program ex4 implicit none **** * This program uses the RPN standard file functions * FSTINL, FSTLUK and FSTPRM to make queries about the * contents of an RPN standard file. * * Author: Yves Chartier * Last revision: September 1992. **** **** * Declare variables used by the RPN standard file library **** integer maxkeys parameter (maxkeys = 100) character*2 nomvar character*1 typvar, grtyp character*8 etiket integer keys(maxkeys), nkeys integer dateo, datev, deet, npas, ni, nj, nk integer npak, datyp, nbits integer ip1, ip2, ip3 integer ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4 integer swa, lng, dltf, ubc, extra1, extra2, extra3 **** * Declare the name and type of the RPN standard file functions **** integer fstecr, fstinl, fstsui, fstluk, fstprm integer fnom, fstouv, fclos, fstfrm **** * Declare other variables used by the program **** integer ier, nrecs integer i,j,ii,jj,iun, iunout integer month real fld(120, 60) real minval, maxval, avgval **** * Association of the RPN standard file produced by the * program with the FORTRAN logical unit 1. **** iun = 1 ier = fnom(iun, 'ts.fst', 'STD+RND', 0) if ( then print *, 'Fatal error while opening the file (FNOM)' endif **** * Opening of the standard file **** ier = fstouv(iun, 'RND') if ( then print *, 'Cannot open unit:', iun, * ' in random access mode (FSTOUV)' stop endif **** * Initialize standard file variables for doing a query **** typvar = 'C' nomvar = 'TS' etiket = 'SFC TEMP ' datev = -1 ip1 = 0 ip2 = 0 ip3 = 0 **** * Reads the first field meeting selection criteria **** ier = fstinl(iun, NI, NJ, NK, datev, etiket, ip1, ip2, ip3, * typvar, nomvar, keys, nkeys, maxkeys) if ( then print *, '(FSTINL) No records found' go to 200 endif **** * Try to read the next field meeting selection criteria set * by the first call to FSTINF. **** do 50 i=1,nkeys ier = fstluk(fld, keys(i), NI, NJ, NK) **** * Computes minimum, maximum and average value of the field **** call statfld(minval, maxval, avgval, fld, ni, nj) **** * Get all standard file parameters and print them **** ier = fstprm(keys(i), dateo, deet, npas, ni, nj, nk, * nbits, datyp, ip1, ip2, ip3, * typvar, nomvar, etiket, grtyp, * ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, swa, lng, dltf, ubc, * extra1, extra2, extra3) print *, '*****************************************' print *, ' minval = ', minval, 'maxval =', maxval, * 'avgval = ', avgval print 10, nomvar, typvar, etiket, dateo, deet, npas, * ni, nj, nk,nbits, datyp, ip1, ip2, ip3, * grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, * swa, lng, dltf, ubc, extra1, extra2, extra3 50 continue **** * Close the standard file **** 200 ier = fstfrm(1) **** * Unlink the unit 1 from the file "ts.fst" **** ier = fclos(1) 10 format(' ', ' nomvar=', a10, ' typvar=', a10, ' etiket=', a10, /, * ' ', ' dateo= ', i10, ' deet= ', i10, ' npas= ', i10, /, * ' ', ' ni= ', i10, ' nj= ', i10, ' nk= ', i10, /, * ' ', ' nbits= ', i10, ' datyp= ', i10, /, * ' ', ' ip1= ', i10, ' ip2= ', i10, ' ip3= ', i10, /, * ' ', ' grtyp= ', a10, ' ig1= ', i10, ' ig2= ', i10, * ' ig3= ', i10, ' ig4= ', i10, /, * ' ', ' swa= ', i10, ' lng= ', i10, ' dltf= ', i10, * ' ubc= ', i10, /, * ' ', ' extra1=', i10, ' extra2=', i10, ' extra3=', i10) stop end c **************************************************************** c ** ** c **************************************************************** subroutine statfld(minval, maxval, avgval, fld, ni, nj) implicit none real minval, maxval, avgval real fld(ni,nj) integer i,j, ni, nj minval = fld(1,1) maxval = fld(1,1) avgval = 0.0 do 100 j=1,nj do 100 i=1,ni avgval = avgval + fld(i,j) if (fld(i,j).lt.minval) then minval = fld(i,j) endif if (fld(i,j).gt.maxval) then maxval = fld(i,j) endif 100 continue avgval = avgval / (ni * nj) return end c **************************************************************** c ** ** c ****************************************************************