An introduction to

DIFFERENCES between FSTD89(old) and FSTD2000(new)

Range of size/values of parameters and maximum size of record/file lengths.
The values of the following can be decoded/encoded by CONVIP
(convip must be used for FSTD2000 for IP1)
Encoding can be in format old or newstyle: see convip
IP115 bits (0-32767)28 bits (0-268435455)
IP215 bits (0-32767)28 bits (0-268435455)
IP312 bits (0-4095) 28 bits (0-268435455)
The values of the following must be encoded by CXGAIG, decoded by CIGAXG
IG111 bits (0-2047) 24 bits (0-16777215)
IG211 bits (0-2047) 24 bits (0-16777215)
IG316 bits (0-65535)24 bits (0-16777215)
IG416 bits (0-65535)24 bits (0-16777215)
The following applies to All FSTD Functions
NI16 bits (0-65535)24 bits (0-16777215)
NJ16 bits (0-65535)24 bits (0-16777215)
NK12 bits (0-4095) 20 bits (0-1048575)
NOMVAR2 chars (case sensitive)4 chars (NOT case sensitive)
TYPVAR1 chars (case sensitive)2 chars (NOT case sensitive)
ETIKET8 chars (case sensitive)12 chars (NOT case sensitive)
Maximum Length of Record Size
=>2 Megabytes 128 Megabytes
Maximum Length of File Size (no limit to number of records)
=>250 Megabytes 2 Gigabytes (maybe 8G for some platforms)

SOFTWARE to be used for FSTD89(old) and FSTD2000(new)

Programs for FSTD2000 are backward compatible for reading but not for writing
FSTD89 (not supported in LINUX)FSTD2000
voir (backward compatible)
xrec (backward compatible)
fstcomp (backward compatible)
r.fstinfo (backward compatible)
fstretro (converts FSTD2000 to FSTD89)
Note that variable names/labels may be truncated, refer above to limits