1. Introduction
  2. Historical perspective
  3. The RPN standard file flavors
  4. The RPN standard file attributes
    1. I - Classification by category
    2. II - Classification by usage
    3. III - Limitations of Size and Values
  5. Grid types and projections supported in RPN standard files
  6. Detailed description of RPN standard file attributes
    1. Variable name (NOMVAR):
    2. Type of field (TYPVAR):
    3. Label (ETIKET):
    4. Vertical level (IP1):
    5. Forecast hour (IP2):
    6. User defined identifier (IP3):
    7. Length of time step (DEET):
    8. Time step number (NPAS):
    9. Date of original analysis (DATEO) and date of validity (DATEV):
    10. Dimension of grid along the X, Y and Z axes (NI, NJ, NK):
    11. Type of geographical projection (GRTYP) and grid parameters (IG1-IG2-IG3-IG4):
    12. Type of data (DATYP):
    13. Packing ratio (NPAK and NBITS):
  7. The RPN standard file library
  8. Effect of standard file function calls on file pointer position
  9. A basic example: creating a standard file from ASCII data
  10. A second example: querying the contents of a standard file
  11. Other query methods
  12. Source code examples