Definition of arguments in FSTD functions

Anything written in this colour applies to FSTD2000. Declaration of arguments(use what is applicable to each function)

Declaration in FORTRAN
real field( )
integer iun, handle, key, ier,
ni, nj, nk, ip1, ip2, ip3, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4,
dateo, datev, datyp, deet,
nbits, npak, npas,
swa, lng, dltf, ubc, extra1, extra2, extra3,
hetiket(2), hnomvar, htypvar, hgrtyp
character *8
(character *12)
etiket, cetiket
character *2
(character *4)
nomvar, cnomvar
character *1
(character *2)
ctypvar, typvar
character *1 grtyp, cgrtyp
logical holacar, rewrit

Declaration in C
float field[ ]
int iun, handle, key, ier,
ni, nj, nk, ip1, ip2, ip3, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4,
dateo, datev, datyp, deet,
nbits, npak, npas,
swa, lng, dltf, ubc, extra1, extra2, extra3,
hetiket[2], hnomvar, htypvar, hgrtyp
holacar, rewrit
char etiket[9], cetiket[9], nomvar[3], cnomvar[3], typvar[2], ctypvar[2], grtyp[2], cgrtyp[2]
etiket[13], cetiket[13], nomvar[5], cnomvar[5], typvar[3], ctypvar[3]

NOTE: (FSTD) functions are used for reading, writing, searching and deleting records in a standard file.
Table of arguments defined in the (FSTD) functions
cetiket character value of 'etiket' key
cgrtyp character value of 'grtyp' key
cnomvar character value of 'nomvar' key
ctypvar character value of 'typvar' key
dateo date of origin of the field encoded in CMC date timestamp
MMDDYYHHR (CMC date timestamp without the first digit).
fstd2000: use r.date to obtain the date
datev date of validity of the field encoded in CMC date timestamp
MMDDYYHHR (CMC date timestamp without the first digit).
fstd2000: use r.date to obtain the date
datyp data type:
  • 0 = binary
  • 1 = real
  • 2 = unsigned integer
  • 3 = character
  • 4 = signed integer
  • 5 = IEEE style representation
deet time step length, in seconds (0 to 32767).
dltf erased field flag (1 = erase, 0 = non erased)
etiket character stamp or label of run
extra1 reserved for future use
extra2 reserved for future use
extra3 reserved for future use
field( ) array containing the field to read or write; ensure enough allocation (at least ni*nj*nk)
grtyp type of geographical projection
handle handle(key) used to locate a record in a standard file. This handle is obtained by:
    key = FSTINF(...)
    key = FSTLIR(...)
    key = FSTSEL(...)
NOTE: The number that appears in the listing from FSTVOI is not a handle and MUST NOT BE USED.
hetiket hollerith value of 'etiket' key
hgrtyp hollerith value of 'grtyp' key
hnomvar hollerith value of 'nomvar' key
holacar .true. : conversion from hollerith to character
.false.: conversion from character to hollerith
htypvar hollerith value of 'typvar' key
ier return value of some functions
  • ier >= 0 no error, everything ok
  • ier < 0 error code

NOTE: consult fsterr to identify the type of error
ig1 grid descriptor 1 (0 to 2047)(0-16777215)
ig2 grid descriptor 2 (0 to 2047)(0-16777215)
ig3 grid descriptor 3 (0 to 65535)(0-16777215)
ig4 grid descriptor 4 (0 to 65535)(0-16777215)
ip1 descriptor 1 (0 to 32767) (0 to 268435455)
ip2 descriptor 2 (0 to 32767) (0 to 268435455)
ip3 descriptor 3 (0 to 4095) (0 to 268435455)
iun unit number associated to a file
lng length of a record (in machine words)
nbits number of bits used by each data item.
ni 1st dimension of a field (max 32767) (max 16777215)
nj 2nd dimension of a field (max 32767) (max 16777215)
nk 3rd dimension of a field (max 4095) (max 1048575)
nomvar name of field (2 characters) (4 characters -not case-sensitive)
npak compaction ratio
    if npak = 0 or 1: nbits = bitmot (no compaction)
    if npak > 1: nbits = bitmot/npak
    if npak < 0: number of bits kept per item
    (nbits = -npak)
npas time step number
rewrit .true. : replaces a record that has the same search attributes (except for date) before write .false. : adds a record to the file (no overwrite)
swa address of the beginning of a record
typvar field type (1 character)(2 characters -not case-sensitive)
ubc number of unused bits in the last word.