Anything written in this colour applies to FSTD2000. Declaration of arguments(use what is applicable to each function)
Declaration in FORTRAN | |
real | field( ) |
integer |
iun, handle, key, ier, ni, nj, nk, ip1, ip2, ip3, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, dateo, datev, datyp, deet, nbits, npak, npas, swa, lng, dltf, ubc, extra1, extra2, extra3, hetiket(2), hnomvar, htypvar, hgrtyp |
character *8 (character *12) |
etiket, cetiket |
character *2 (character *4) |
nomvar, cnomvar |
character *1 (character *2) |
ctypvar, typvar |
character *1 | grtyp, cgrtyp |
logical | holacar, rewrit |
Declaration in C | |
float | field[ ] |
int |
iun, handle, key, ier, ni, nj, nk, ip1, ip2, ip3, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, dateo, datev, datyp, deet, nbits, npak, npas, swa, lng, dltf, ubc, extra1, extra2, extra3, hetiket[2], hnomvar, htypvar, hgrtyp holacar, rewrit |
char | etiket[9], cetiket[9], nomvar[3], cnomvar[3],
typvar[2], ctypvar[2], grtyp[2], cgrtyp[2] etiket[13], cetiket[13], nomvar[5], cnomvar[5], typvar[3], ctypvar[3] |
Table of arguments defined in the (FSTD) functions | |
cetiket | character value of 'etiket' key |
cgrtyp | character value of 'grtyp' key |
cnomvar | character value of 'nomvar' key |
ctypvar | character value of 'typvar' key |
dateo | date of origin of the field encoded
in CMC date timestamp MMDDYYHHR (CMC date timestamp without the first digit). fstd2000: use r.date to obtain the date |
datev | date of validity of the field encoded in CMC date
timestamp MMDDYYHHR (CMC date timestamp without the first digit). fstd2000: use r.date to obtain the date |
datyp | data type:
deet | time step length, in seconds (0 to 32767). |
dltf | erased field flag (1 = erase, 0 = non erased) |
etiket | character stamp or label of run |
extra1 | reserved for future use |
extra2 | reserved for future use |
extra3 | reserved for future use |
field( ) | array containing the field to read or write; ensure enough allocation (at least ni*nj*nk) |
grtyp | type of geographical projection |
handle | handle(key) used to locate a record in a standard
file. This handle is obtained by:
key = FSTLIR(...) key = FSTSEL(...) |
hetiket | hollerith value of 'etiket' key |
hgrtyp | hollerith value of 'grtyp' key |
hnomvar | hollerith value of 'nomvar' key |
holacar | .true. : conversion from hollerith to character .false.: conversion from character to hollerith |
htypvar | hollerith value of 'typvar' key |
ier | return value of some functions
NOTE: consult fsterr to identify the type of error |
ig1 | grid descriptor 1 (0 to 2047)(0-16777215) |
ig2 | grid descriptor 2 (0 to 2047)(0-16777215) |
ig3 | grid descriptor 3 (0 to 65535)(0-16777215) |
ig4 | grid descriptor 4 (0 to 65535)(0-16777215) |
ip1 | descriptor 1 (0 to 32767) (0 to 268435455) |
ip2 | descriptor 2 (0 to 32767) (0 to 268435455) |
ip3 | descriptor 3 (0 to 4095) (0 to 268435455) |
iun | unit number associated to a file |
lng | length of a record (in machine words) |
nbits | number of bits used by each data item. |
ni | 1st dimension of a field (max 32767) (max 16777215) |
nj | 2nd dimension of a field (max 32767) (max 16777215) |
nk | 3rd dimension of a field (max 4095) (max 1048575) |
nomvar | name of field (2 characters) (4 characters -not case-sensitive) |
npak | compaction ratio
if npak > 1: nbits = bitmot/npak if npak < 0: number of bits kept per item (nbits = -npak) |
npas | time step number |
rewrit | .true. : replaces a record that has the same search attributes (except for date) before write .false. : adds a record to the file (no overwrite) |
swa | address of the beginning of a record |
typvar | field type (1 character)(2 characters -not case-sensitive) |
ubc | number of unused bits in the last word. |