/* (codes -1 to -23 taken from previous xdf version when appliable) */ #define ERR_OK 0 #define ERR_NO_FILE -1 /* file is not open or does not exist */ #define ERR_FTAB_FULL -3 /* file table is full */ #define ERR_BAD_UNIT -5 /* invalid unit number */ #define ERR_NOT_COMP -6 /* src and dest files not compatible */ #define ERR_NO_WRITE -7 /* no write permission */ #define ERR_BAD_PAGENO -8 /* invalid page number */ #define ERR_BAD_HNDL -9 /* invalid handle */ #define ERR_SPECIAL -10 /* special record with idtyp=0 */ #define ERR_DELETED -11 /* deleted record */ #define ERR_NOT_FOUND -12 /* search target not found */ #define ERR_BAD_INIT -13 /* error in record initialisation */ #define ERR_BAD_DATYP -16 /* invalid datyp */ #define ERR_BAD_ADDR -18 /* addressing error (not a multiple of 64) */ #define ERR_BAD_DIM -19 /* dimension of buf too small */ #define ERR_BAD_OPT -20 /* invalid option name or value */ #define ERR_STILL_OPN -21 /* file already in used in write mode */ #define ERR_RDONLY -22 /* read only file */ #define ERR_BAD_LEN -23 /* invalid header length */ #define ERR_MEM_FULL -24 /* no more memory can be allocated */ #define ERR_NO_POS -25 /* no valid file position */ #define ERR_BAD_LINK -26 /* bad linked file reference */ #define ERR_FILE_OPN -27 /* file is already open */ #define ERR_DIR_FULL -28 /* directory of random file is full */ #define ERR_NO_FNOM -29 /* file not connected with fnom */ #define ERR_NO_LINK -30 /* file is not linked */ #define ERR_NO_TARGET -31 /* no valid search target */ #define ERR_BAD_CHKS -32 /* bad checksum */ #define ERR_BAD_DIR -33 /* incorect number of directory pages */ #define ERR_NOT_XDF -34 /* not an XDF file */ #define ERR_BAD_NSTAT -35 /* incorect number of stats */ #define ERR_OUT_RANGE -36 /* value out of valid range */ #define ERR_BAD_FTYPE -37 /* incorect file type */ #define ERR_NOT_IMPL -38 /* routine not implemented in FSTD98 */ #define ERR_NO_POSTFIX -39 /* invalid or no sequential record postfix */ #define ERR_STDF_VERSION -40 /* wrong version of standard file software */

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