INTEGER FUNCTION FSTOPI( option, ivalue, getmode)


For control variables: MSGLVL, TOLRNC
If getmode = 1, then it will obtain(get) and print out the existing integer "ivalue" of a global variable specified in "option". If getmode = 0, then it will set a global variable specified in "option" to the given "ivalue".

Authors: M. Lepine - M. Valin - 2000


FSTOPI 0 if no error, else error code
option the global variable which controls all fstd or xdf functions. There are two controls:
'MSGLVL': message level (how informative)
'TOLRNC': error tolerance level (before program crashes)
ivalue the value to give for "option" if getmode=0. There are 7 integer values available and here are their functions related to each option:
    for 'MSGLVL' option:
  • 0 - print all messages
  • 2 - print any informative messages and more
  • 4 - print warning messages and more
  • 6 - print simple error messages and more
  • 8 - print fatal error messages and up
  • 10 - print system (internal) error messages only
    for 'TOLRNC' option:
  • 0 - no tolerance to error
  • 2 - tolerate debugging level
  • 4 - tolerate informative level and lower
  • 6 - tolerate warning level and lower
  • 8 - tolerate error level and lower
  • 10 - tolerate fatal error level and lower
getmode 1: to obtain existing value of "option" and print a message to standard out
0: to set the "option" to the given "ivalue"

EXAMPLE (in Fortran) (in C)


fstopc, fstopl

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