program zlatlon implicit none ! This program demonstrates the creation of a 'Z' grid mapped on a latlon grid. ! ! The size of the grid, southwest corner (in latlon coords) and grid length are ! defined by the calling arguments ! ! If no arguments are given, then a 401x201 grid, starting at (40N,270W) and with a grid length ! of 0.1 deg in each dimension is defined. ! ! The program afterwards presents the grid to the ezscint package, from which it extracts ! the latitudes and longitudes of the grid and appends them to the the standard file containing the ! positional records ! ! Yves Chartier - RPN - November 2000 integer ni, nj, nk integer ezqkdef, gdll real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: zlat, zlon real, dimension(:), allocatable:: xaxis, yaxis integer ier, nrecs, i, j, npak, iun integer fnom, fstouv, fclos, fstfrm, fstecr, newdate external fnom, fstouv, fclos, fstfrm, fstecr, newdate character*2 nomvar character*1 typvar,grtyp,grref character*8 etiket integer ip1,ip2,ip3,gdin integer ip1z,ip2z,ip3z integer deet, npas, nbits, datyp integer yyyymmdd,hhmmssss,dateo integer ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, date real swlat, swlon, dlat, dlon real swlatref, swlonref, dlatref, dlonref integer npts,nnpas,idt,ipos logical rewrit character * 8 cle(7) character * 128 def(7), val(7) ! Definition of defaults values if no argument is given ! data cle /'fst.', 'ni', 'nj', 'swlat', 'swlon', 'dlat', 'dlon'/ data def /'SCRAP', '401', '201', '40.', '270.', '0.1', '0.1'/ data val /'SCRAP', '401', '201', '40.', '270.', '0.1', '0.1'/ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call ccard(cle,def,val, 7, ipos) read (val(2),*) ni read (val(3),*) nj read (val(4),*) swlat read (val(5),*) swlon read (val(6),*) dlat read (val(7),*) dlon iun = 1 nk = 1 ! creates the standard file ier = fnom(1, val(iun),'STD+RND',0) nrecs = fstouv(1, 'RND') allocate(zlat(ni,nj)) allocate(zlon(ni,nj)) allocate(xaxis(ni)) allocate(yaxis(nj)) ! Initialisation of the axes values - pretty straight forward calculation do i=1,ni xaxis(i) = swlon + dlon * (i-1) enddo do j=1,nj yaxis(j) = swlat + dlat * (j-1) enddo !- computation of ig parameters for defining a z-grid in a latlon space ! The values are such that the lat-lon can be encoded "as is" in the navigational records ! without supplemental conversion swlatref = 0.0 swlonref = 0.0 dlonref = 1.0 dlatref = 1.0 call cxgaig('L', ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, swlatref, swlonref, dlatref, dlonref) ! Initialization of the necessary standard file parameters required to write a record npak = -24 deet = 0 npas = 0 ip1z = 2000 ip2z = 2001 ip3z = 2002 dateo = 0 typvar = 'P' grref = 'L' etiket = 'ZLATLON' datyp = 1 rewrit = .false. ! definition of dateo yyyymmdd = 20001102 hhmmssss = 00000000 ier = newdate(dateo,yyyymmdd,hhmmssss,3) ! Write the navigational records into the standard file nomvar = '>>' ier=fstecr(xaxis, xaxis, npak, iun, dateo, deet, npas, ni, 1, nk, & ip1z, ip2z, ip3z, typvar, nomvar, etiket, grref, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, datyp, rewrit) nomvar = '^^' ier=fstecr(yaxis, yaxis, npak, iun, dateo, deet, npas, 1, nj, nk, & ip1z, ip2z, ip3z, typvar, nomvar, etiket, grref, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, datyp, rewrit) ! This program could stop here if all we wanted to do is write the navigational records !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Now we initialize the ezscint package to get the lat-lon of the grid we just defined ! For more info on ezqkdef and gdll ! consult ! ! define the grid grtyp = 'Z' gdin = ezqkdef(ni,nj,grtyp, ip1z, ip2z, ip3z, 0, iun) ! get the latlon of the grid we just defined ier = gdll(gdin, zlat, zlon) ! Write the contents of 'LA' and 'LO' in the standard file. ip1 = 0 ip2 = 0 ip3 = 0 nomvar = 'LA' ier=fstecr(zlat, zlat, npak, iun, dateo, deet, npas, ni, nj, nk, & ip1, ip2, ip3, typvar, nomvar, etiket, grtyp, ip1z, ip2z, ip3z, 0, datyp, rewrit) nomvar = 'LO' ier=fstecr(zlon, zlon, npak, iun, dateo, deet, npas, ni, nj, nk, & ip1, ip2, ip3, typvar, nomvar, etiket, grtyp, ip1z, ip2z, ip3z, 0, datyp, rewrit) ! get statistics about the data just written call statfld('LA','P',ip1,ip2,ip3,date,etiket,zlat,ni, nj, nk) call statfld('LO','P',ip1,ip2,ip3,date,etiket,zlon,ni, nj, nk) ! close the file and all is done. ier = fstfrm(iun) ier = fclos(iun) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ stop end program zlatlon