FORTRAN integer ier, ezgxprm ier = ezgxprm(gdid, ni, nj, grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, grref, ig1ref, ig2ref, ig3ref, ig4ref) integer gdid, ni, nj, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, ig1ref, ig2ref, ig3ref, ig4ref character*1 grtyp, grref |
C int c_ezgxprm(int gdid, int *ni, int *nj, char *grtyp, int *ig1, int *ig2, int *ig3, int *ig4, char *grref, int *ig1ref, *ig2ref, *ig3ref, *ig4ref) |
Routine description
ezgxprm returns all the grid parameters associated with the grid identifier gdid, those used to locate the positional records in a standard file (ig1 thru ig4), and those associated with reference grid (grref, ig1ref thru ig4ref). It is useful for the users who want the package to take care of the chore of positional parameters management, but want to interrogate their properties. If the grid type is different of 'Y' and 'Z', grref = ' ', and ig1ref=ig2ref=ig3ref=ig4ref=0. |
Description of parameters
gdid |
a valid grid identifier (returned by ezqkdef or ezgdef) that will be used as the source (input) grid. |
grtyp |
typep of grid ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S','Y', 'Z') |
ni, nj |
horizontal dimensions of the grid |
ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4 |
RPN standard file grid parameters. IG4 is 0 is grtyp == Y or Z |
grref |
type of reference grid ('E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S') |
ig1ref, ig2ref, ig3ref, ig4ref |
RPN standard file grid parameters for the reference grid. |
Sample FORTRAN code :
We want to use as a test grid the first 'Z' grid present in an RPN standard file. We need the grid parameters to know exactly what we have read. Assume necessary memory space has been allocated. Assume we read from unit 13.
gdgem = ezqkdef(nigem, njgem, 'Z', -1, -1, -1, 13) ier = ezgxprm(gdgem, nigem, njgem, grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, grref, ig1ref, ig2ref, ig3ref, ig4ref) print *, 'Grid ', gdid, 'has the following parameters' print *, 'grtyp: ', grtyp print *, 'Dimensions: ', nigem, 'X', njgem print *, 'Grid parameters: ', ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4 print *, 'Reference grid: ', grref print *, 'Ref. grid params:', ig1ref, ig2ref, ig3ref, ig4ref