SUBROUTINE INTERP1D_FINDPOS(numInterpSets, srcNumLevels, destNumLevels, src_ijDim, dst_ijDim, vLevelSource, posnDestInSrc, vLevelDestn)
integer, intent(in) :: numInterpSets integer, intent(in) :: srcNumLevels integer, intent(in) :: destNumLevels integer, intent(in) :: src_ijDim integer, intent(in) :: dst_ijDim real, dimension(src_ijDim, srcNumLevels), intent(in) :: vLevelSource integer, dimension(dst_ijDim, destNumLevels), intent(out) :: posnDestInSrc real, dimension(dst_ijDim, destNumLevels), intent(in) :: vLevelDestn
DESCRIPTION Find array indices between which interpolation will occur. The output of this routine is input for each of the interpolation routines.
Author: Jeff Blezius - June 2002

vLevelSource(src_ijDim, srcNumLevels) array of source co-ordinates (vertical levels)
vLevelDestn(dst_ijDim, destNumLevels) array of destination co-ordinates (vertical levels)
Dimensions of input and output arrays (these are input values):
numInterpSets number of sets to be interpolated (i.e. number of horizontal points at which vertical interpolation will be performed). This is the number of points that will actually be used in the three arrays.
src_ijDim dimensioned size (horizontal) of the source array, vLevelSource. Value >= numInterpSets
dst_ijDim dimensioned size (horizontal) of both desination arrays: posnDestInSrc, vLevelDestn. Value >= numInterpSets
srcNumLevels number of points (vertical) in vLevelSource containing data. The actual dimension may be larger.
destNumLevels number of points (vertical) in vLevelDestn containing data. The actual dimension may be larger.
posnDestInSrc(dst_ijDim, destNumLevels) Information required by the interpolation routine. Each element is the position (index) of vLevelSource that is just before the corresponding vLevelDestn


Interp1D_NearestNeighbour, Interp1D_Linear, Interp1D_CubicLagrange, Interp1D_CubicWithDerivs, Extrap1D_LapseRate, Extrap1D_Surface, Extrap1D_SurfaceWind_X

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Last updated: December 5, 2003