m_slStateValue is a parameter to some functions in this package. It is itself a subroutine that is assumed to take parameters as described here. If the subroutine that you supply as an argument to take the place of the m_slStateValue parameter does not have a parameter list that is identitical in number and type to those described here, your program will probably crash with an error in the allocation routine.
SUBROUTINE m_slStateValue(f, vLevelDestn, z0, ilmo, hBound, n)
real, dimension(n), intent(out) :: f real, dimension(n), intent(in) :: vLevelDestn real, dimension(n), intent(in) :: z0 real, dimension(n), intent(in) :: ilmo real, dimension(n), intent(in) :: hBound integer, intent(in) :: n
DESCRIPTION Subroutine to calculate the normalized state value at one vertical level within the surface layer. ('Surface layer' is comprised of the space between the Earth's surface and the first model level above it.) The routine supplied as an argument to take the place of this parameter is usually slfun_tq or slfun_uv from the physical library.
Author: Jeff Blezius - Nov 2003
Input: | |
vLevelDestn | vertical level of interest at each horizontal location, given as z (meters above the Earth's surface). |
z0 | roughness length (in m) |
ilmo | inverse of the Monin-Obukhov length (in m-1) |
hBound | height of the boundary layer (in m) |
n | dimension of the arrays |
Output: | |
f | normalized state value (unitless) |