VMMATT(3) VERSION 1.0 VMMATT(3) NAME VMMATT - Obtain the attributes of a variable. USAGE ier = vmmatt(namevar, LPIECE, NPIECE, ATTRIB) integer vmmatt integer ier, npiece, lpiece character*8 namevar character*40 attrib DESCRIPTION VMMATT is an integer function of the VMM package (Virtual Memory Manager) used to obtain the dimensions and attributes of a variable that was created by the VMMCRE function. Upon successfull completion, VMMATT returns a value of 0. ARGUMENTS namevar -(input) name of the variable for which we wish to obtain the attributes. lpiece -(output) dimensions of each slice of the variable. npiece -(output) number of slices of length lpiece. attrib -(output) character string containing the various attributes that were given to the variable when created by the VMMCRE function. The string returned in attrib has the following format: 'SAVE= ,CL= ,W= ,INIT= ,SIZE= ,MUSTEXIST'where each attribute can have values as described here. SAVE=Y/N when this attribute is set to the value YES, the variable will be written to disk before being ejected from memory by the VMM package. Default value is NO. CL=n this attribute is used to categorize variables according to their use. Values from 1 to 9 are allowed. The value given to CLASS is used to determine to which of the VMM data files a variable will be saved. Default value is 1. W=n this attribute serves to quantify the usage intensity of a variable. The more intensely used variables should be given higher WEIGHT values than less frequently used variables. Variables are expelled from memory in order of increasing WEIGHT when additional memory is required for loading a new slice. Valid WEIGHT values range from 0 to 9. Default value is 0. SIZE=n this attribute is used to indicate whether a variable is of type REAL*4 or REAL*8. When SIZE is given a value other that 8, type REAL*4 is used. SIZE=8: REAL*8 SIZE=0: REAL*4 [default value] It goes without saying that this attribute has no effect when compiling in 64 bit mode. MUSTEXIST the presence of this attribute indicates to the VMM package that the variable must already exist during a restart (i.e. the variable was saved to disk at the end of the previous execution). During restart, the absence of a variable with the MUSTEXIST attribute will result in the premature end of execution of the program. INIT=n this attribute indicates to which value each slice of a variable must be initialized when loaded for the first time or after a call to vmmfgt. Legal values are 0, R and -. INIT=0 : initialize the field to zero. INIT=R : initialize the field to the machine's biggest floating point value. INIT=- : no initialization is performed. By default, no initialization is done. AUTHORS J.Caveen, M.Lepine, M.Roch - RPN NOTES Errors that will cause a premature end of program execution - VMMALLC has not been called. - Password has been set (System is locked) - Unknown variable Latest revision, November 1993 See also vmmallc(3), vmmcks(3), vmmcpk(3), vmmcre(3), vmmdbg(3), vmmdiag(3), vmmdmp(3), vmm_example(1), vmmfgt(3), vmmget(3), vmmhpa(3), vmmhpd(3), vmmint(3), vmmintro(1), vmmlck(3), vmmlod(3), vmmlse(3), vmmpak(3), vmmpwd(3), vmmrls(3), vmmrnm(3), vmmsav(3), vmmuld(3), vmmulk(3), vmmuln(3).