VMMFGT(3)                        VERSION 1.0                         VMMFGT(3)

        VMMFGT - forget a slice (render  the contents of a slice undefined  in
memory and on disk)

        ier = vmmfgt(inlkey,nkey)
        integer ier ,vmmfgt
        integer nkey
        integer inlkey(nkey)

        VMMFGT is  an integer  function  of the  VMM package  (Virtual  Memory
Manager) used to render  one or more  slices undefined both  in memory and  on
disk.  Once a slice has been subjected  to VMMFGT, the VMM package will  treat
that slice as  if it  had never  been loaded  into memory.   Furthermore,  VMM
considers that no disk image of the slice exists.  Thus, a subsequent load  of
the same slice will  force VMMLOD   to initialize the slice to the value  that
was specified  in the  INIT attribute  of VMMCRE.  Note that  VMMFGT does  not
actually erase the disk image (if  one exists) it merely dissociates the  disk
image from  the  slice.   The  portion of  memory  that was  occupied  by  the
'forgotten' slice is considered to be available for loading other slices.

        inlkey         -(input) list of keys pointing to the slices to  render

        nkey           -(input) number of keys contained in the inlkey array.

        Forget about the three slices pointed to by inlkey
                ier = vmmfgt(inlkey,3)

        J.Caveen, M.Lepine, M.Roch - RPN


        Errors that will cause  a premature end of program execution

                -No previous call to VMMALLC
                -Password is set (System is locked)
                -Invalid key found in the inlkey array

        Latest revision, November 1993

        See  also  vmmallc(3),  vmmatt(3),  vmmcks(3),  vmmcpk(3),  vmmcre(3),
vmmdbg(3),  vmmdiag(3),  vmmdmp(3),   vmm_example(1),  vmmget(3),   vmmhpa(3),
vmmhpd(3), vmmint(3), vmmintro(1), vmmlck(3), vmmlod(3), vmmlse(3), vmmpak(3),
vmmpwd(3), vmmrls(3), vmmrnm(3), vmmsav(3), vmmuld(3), vmmulk(3), vmmuln(3).