
SUBROUTINE RPN_COMM_adj_halo (g,minx,maxx,miny,maxy,ni,nj,nk,halox,haloy,periodx,periody,gni,npol_row)


g Array containing the local tile real or integer I/O
minx,maxx, miny, maxy Total dimensions of array g (nk for z axis) integer I
ni,nj,nk Dimensions of local array integer I
halox,haloy Halo width for x and y integer I
periodx,periody Periodicity for x and y logical I
gni Global array size(=problem size) along x integer I
npol_row Number of polar rows of processes (semi-lag case) integer I

Local array size: g(minx:maxx,miny:maxy,nk)
Local problem size: g(ni,nj,nk)
Local problem size + halos: g(1-halox,ni+halox,1-haloy,nj+haloy,nk)
Row size (semi-lag case): g(gni,nj,nk)

minx +-------------------+ maxy
     |     halo          |
     | +---------------+ |
     | |     ni        | |
     | |             nj| |
     | |(1,1,k)        | |
     | +---------------+ |
     |                   |
     +-------------------+ miny

Size of the problem and decomposition of the domain for 3x3 topology :

      1        gni
      1         gni

East-west exchange example: The "x" column is added to the "y" column on the local array of the rigth neighbor

            P0                                                                    P1

+-----------+                  +-------------+
| halo     x|                  |  y+x        |
| +-------+x|                  | +---------+ |
| |       |x|    --------->    | |y+x      | |
| |       |x|                  | |y+x      | |
| +-------+x|                  | +---------+ |
| halo     x|                  |  y+x        |
+-----------+                  +-------------+

Semi-lagrangian case, halo exchange example: here, we gather local arrays of a row of processes. At the end of the exchange, each process of the row has a copy of the "global" row.

            P0                            P1                                P2                                P0 and P1 and P2
                                                                                                                      (a=x+y, b=y+z)
+----------+   +----------+   +----------+    +---------------------+
|xxxxzzxxxx|   |yyyyyyyyyy|   |zzzzzzzzzz|    |xxxxxxaayyyybbzzzzzzz|
|x+------+x|   |y+------+y|   |z+------+z|    |x+-----------------+z|
|x|xxxxxx|x| + |y|yyyyyy|y| + |z|zzzzzz|z| -> |x|xxxxaayyyybbzzzzz|z|
|x|xxxxxx|x|   |y|yyyyyy|y|   |z|zzzzzz|z|    |x|xxxxaayyyybbzzzzz|z|
|x+------+x|   |y+------+y|   |z+------+z|    |x+-----------------+z|
|xxxxxxxxxx|   |yyyyyyyyyy|   |zzzzzzzzzz|    |xxxxxxaayyyybbzzzzzzz|
+----------+   +----------+   +----------+    +---------------------+

N.B.: Obviously, we need, minx <= 1-halox < ni+halox <= maxx (same for y)


Adjoint exchange of halos: each process send the appropriate halo to his neighbors. The local array receive those values and add them to the local values.

If npol_row > 0, then the semi-lagragian exchange will be used for the npol_row rows of processes at north and south end.


call rpn_comm_adj_halo(tableau,minx,maxx,miny,maxy,ni,nj,nk,1,1,periodx, periody,gni,npol_row) 



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