subroutine RPN_COMM_carac(npex,npey,me,medomm,mex,mey,sizex,sizey,
% ismaster, mymaster, mybloc, myblocx,myblocy,blocme,domname))
npex,npey | Number of PE along x and y | integer | O |
me | Rank in the context of communicator "ALL" | integer | O |
medomm | Rank in the context of communicator "DOMM" | integer | O |
mex,mey | x and y coordinates in domain | integer | O |
sizex,sizey | Size of blocks along x and y axis | integer | O |
ismaster | Equals 1 if PE is included in communicator "BLOCMASTER", 0 else. | integer | O |
mymaster | Rank (relative to the domain) of the master of the PE's block | integer | O |
mybloc | Rank of PE's block | integer | O |
myblocx,myblocy | Coordinate of PE's block along x and y | integer | O |
blocme | Rank of PE relative to its block | integer | O |
domname | Domain name of the current PE | character(len=12) | O |
Returns local process info.
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