
file rpn_comm.cfg


domain_name1 npex1 npey1 '/path/to/domain1'
domain_name2 npex2 npey2 "path/to/domain2"

Note the mandatory use of single or double quotes for the path.


domain_name1Name of the domaincharacter(len=12)I
npex,npeyNumber of procs along X and Y axisintegerI
/path...Base directory for this domaincharacter(len=1024)I


This file sets the working domains by giving them a name and a processor topology. During RPN_COMM_init, each process will be sent to the specified directory for its domain and will start its work. This allows running multiple experiences using the same binary at the same time but with a different configuration.

For all communications, the default communicator "DEFO" will relate to the domain of the local process ("DOMM" communicator, equivalent to "GRID") except if "DEFO" is modified by using RPN_COMM_defo.

Note that the usage of this feature can make a big mess of the standard output. It is highly recommended to redirect standard output to separate files (see RPN_COMM_unit)


  • The sum of all npex*npey must equals the total procs number of the job.
  • All jobs must be balanced in order to optimize the cpu usage.


    Example of one rpn_comm.cfg file:
    exper1 2 2 "exper23x12_1"
    exper2 1 4 "exper23x12_2"
    exper3 4 1 "exper23x12_3"
    exper4 2 2 "exper23x12_4"
    Here, this should be launched with 23 processes.

    Example of a potentially bad rpn_comm.cfg

    exper1 3 2 "exper23x12x12"
    exper2 4 1 "exper400x200x1"
    exper3 2 5 "exper400x200x2"
    exper4 1 3 "exper40x20x1"
    Here, we shoud use 23 processes.

