Vertical Grid Descriptor/release notes/5.0.3 (at UQAM)

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Version 5.0.3 has the same code as versions 4.4.1, 5.0.0, 5.0.1 and 5.0.2 (real*8 interfaces for the dpidpis* methods) and it is associated with GEM v4.6.0 at UQAM.

Its code can be found under /unique/armnssm/ECssm and is obtained via the following command:


The compiler versions available at this time at UQAM are gfortran-4.9, intel1400 and pgi13xx.

The only difference between this version and previous 5.0.0. 5.0.1 and 5.0.2 versions is the number of compilers/platforms supported and that it uses the RPN rmn_016 library.

A more recent version, 5.6.10, which associated with GEM 4.8.LTS12, is also available at UQAM. It supports the same compilers as before, but adds the intel1600 and pgi16xx compilers. Note that this code is somewhat different from that of 5.0.3. For example, it adds support for Vcode=5005, where the diagnostic level temperatures and winds height levels are included in the TocToc reference record. It also adds the vcode_descriptor_information routine that will dump plain text vcode descriptor information to output.