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The lower-level interface of the Vertical Grid Descriptors module is provided for users who wish to have a greater level of control over the actions of the Vertical Grid Descriptor module than is available using the (very thin) high-level interface. Using the methods described here, the user can query and set all components of the vertical descriptors, and employ user-defined reference fields for calculations.

All methods (functions) in the Vertical Grid Descriptor module are prefixed with vgd_, as are all public class parameters (VGD_). All functions return a status code as VGD_OK for successful completion or VGD_ERROR if an error has occurred.



1 Vertical Descriptor Type

This derived type contains information about the vertical grid descriptors of a grid. It can be instatiated (constructed, or created) using the vgd_new() function described below. The declaration of a set of vertical grid descriptors (an instance of the Vertical Grid Descriptor class) looks like,
type(vgrid_descriptor) :: grid_desc
In this example, the grid_desc variable is a container that is ready to receive all information related to the vertical description of the grid.

2 Type Constructor

In order to begin using a Vertical Grid Descriptor object, it must be instatiated (constructed). The constructor in the Vertical Grid Descriptor Module is called vgd_new since it creates a new instance of class. The standard invocation of the constructor consists of providing the ip1 and ip2 values of the desired vertical descriptors, along with the file unit number.
status = vgd_new(grid_desc,unit=10,format='fst',ip1=100,ip2=200)
(For a complete description of the interface, see the reference list below.) This call will create a Vertical Grid Descriptor object called grid_desc, initialized with the data from the file attached to unit number 10, with the ip values as specified in the call. The use of ip values allows multiple vertical descriptors to be contained in the same file and referenced individually.

An pair of alternative constructors are provided for users that wish to create a vertical grid descriptor without RPN Standard file input.

3 Available Methods

The following methods are available to all procedures that use-associate the Vertical Grid Descriptor module. Note that the constructor should be called in order to fill the vgrid_descriptor derived type (instatiate the Vertical Grid Descriptor object) before any other methods are called. All methods return the a status integer variable that contains either VGD_OK or VGD_ERROR (see variable descriptions) depending on the completion status of the method. The name self is used for the Vertical Grid Descriptor object in all of the prototypes listed below, but the variable can be of any name in the calling sequence.

3.1 Constructors

The primary interface used to initialize a Vertical Grid Descriptor object involves using existing vertical descriptors in a file. This is the standard constructor that will be used by most applications.

status = vgd_new(self,unit,format,ip1,ip2)
type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(out) :: self !Vertical descriptor instance
integer, intent(in) :: unit  !File unit to read descriptor information from
character(len=*), intent(in) :: format  !File format ('fst' or 'bin')
integer, intent(in) :: ip1,ip2  !ip1,2 values of the desired descriptors


A secondary interface is provided to allow for the generation of a Vertical Grid Descriptor object given the vertical coordinate information contained in the model's settings file (i.e. gem_settings.nml). This constructor will be used by applications that wish to create a specific type of vertical coordinate.

status = vgd_new(self,kind,version,hyb,rcoef1,rcoef2,ptop_8,pref_8,ip1,ip2,ip3,stdout_unit) result(status)
type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(out) :: self  !Vertical descriptor instance
integer, intent(in) :: kind,version  !Kind,version to create
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: hyb  !List of hybrid levels
real, intent(in) :: rcoef1,rcoef2  !R-coefficient values for rectification
real*8, intent(in) :: ptop_8  !Top-level pressure (Pa)
real*8, intent(in) :: pref_8  !Reference-level pressure (Pa)
integer, optional, intent(in) :: ip1,ip2,ip3  !IP1,2,3 values for FST file record [0,0,0]
integer, intent(in), optional :: stdout_unit  !Unit number for verbose output [STDERR]


The following table gives which parameter must be set for a given coordinate. An other convenient way to get this list is to call the function with only its mandatory parameters (self,kind,version and hyb), the function will return the list of parameter needed for the given kind and version.

library hyb rcoef1 rcoef2 ptop_8 pref_8 ip1 ip2 ip3
kind=1, Version=1 sigma 2.0.4 and above yes no no no no optional optional optional
kind=1, Version=2 eta 2.0.3 and above yes no no yes no optional optional optional
kind=1, Version=3 hybrid normalized 2.0.2 and above yes yes no yes yes optional optional optional
kind=2, Version=1 pressure 1.0.0 and above yes no no no no optional optional optional
kind=5, Version=1 hybrid un-staggered 2.0.2 and above yes yes no yes yes optional optional optional
kind=5, Version=2 hybrid staggered, first level is a thermo level 2.0.2 and avobe yes yes yes yes yes optional optional optional
kind=5, Version=3 hybrid staggered, first level is a thermo level, unstaggered last Thermo level 2.0.5 and avobe yes yes yes yes yes optional optional optional
kind=5, Version=4 hybrid staggered, first level is a momentum level, same number of thermo and momentum levels 5.1.0 and avobe yes yes yes yes, possible values -1, -2 or any pressure value. Recommended value is -2 which gives a flat first (top) momentum level [B(1)=0], this is what GEM 4.7 uses. yes optional optional optional

Alternatively, a complete constructor is provided to initialize a pressure-type vertical coordinate component of a Vertical Grid Descriptor directly. The use of this constructor requires an intimate knowledge of the coordinate structure. Specifically, different sets of arguments are required for different kind and version combinations. In general, only the model will use this form of the Vertical Grid Descriptor constructor. The package will alert users if required arguments are missing, so a call to vgd_new with a minimal (non-optional) argument list will usually be the basis for development.

status = vgd_new(self,kind,version,nk,ip1,ip2,ptop_8,pref_8,rcoef1,rcoef2, & 
a_m_8,b_m_8,a_t_8,b_t_8,ip1_m,ip1_t) result(status)
type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(out) :: self  !Vertical descriptor instance
integer, intent(in) :: kind,version  !Kind,version to create
integer, intent(in) :: nk  !Number of levels
integer, optional, intent(in) :: ip1,ip2  !IP1,2 values for FST file record [0,0]
real, optional, intent(in) :: rcoef1,rcoef2  !R-coefficient values for rectification
real*8, optional, intent(in) :: ptop_8  !Top-level pressure (Pa)
real*8, optional, intent(in) :: pref_8  !Reference-level pressure (Pa)
real*8, optional, dimension(:) :: a_m_8,a_t_8  !A-coefficients for momentum(m),thermo(t) levels
real*8, optional, dimension(:) :: b_m_8,b_t_8  !B-coefficients for momentum(m),thermo(t) levels
integer, optional, dimension(:) :: ip1_m,ip1_t  !Level ID (IP1) for momentum(m),thermo(t) levels

In some context, like in a MPI environment, the real*8 table containing the vgrid_descriptor information may become available a may need to be reintroduce in the vgrid_descriptor structure. For such a context the following may be used :

status = vgd_new(self,table)
type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(inout) :: self  !Vertical descriptor instance
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: table  !Raw table of vgrid records

Since no FST-specific information is contained in the table (etiket record stamp string, ig1-4 values, et cetera), all such record-specific information is set to default values when this constructor is used. If this information is known, then the definition methods can be used to set the required values correctly after construction. For this reason, the use of this constructor should be restricted to situations in which it is essential.

3.2 Garbage Collecting Method

Once a Vertical Grid Descriptor object had been constucted, the allocated memory can be released by use the vgd_free method like so :

stat = vgd_free(vgd)

3.3 Query Methods

The vgd_get function allows the user to query the Vertical Grid Descriptor object for information.
status = vgd_get(self,key,value)
  type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(in) :: self    !Vertical descriptor instance
  character(len=*), intent(in) :: key           !Descriptor key to retrieve
  TYPE, intent(out) :: value                    !Retrieved value

Where TYPE can be any of the valid data types in the object. For a complete list of Vertical Grid Descriptor keys, see the reference list.

3.4 Definition Methods

The vgd_put function allows the user to set values in the Vertical Grid Descriptor object (instance variables) after construction.
status = vgd_put(self,key,value)
  type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(inout) :: self !Vertical descriptor instance
  character(len=*), intent(in) :: key           !Descriptor key to set
  TYPE, intent(in) :: value                     !Value to set

Where TYPE can be any of the valid data types in the object. Under extremely special circumstances, it may be necessary to modify information in the vertical descriptor record itself (for example, its etiket in an RPN Standard File). For a complete list of Vertical Grid Descriptor keys, see the reference list

3.5 Write Methods

This method allows the user to write the current contents of the Vertical Grid Descriptor object to a file as a vertical grid descriptor record (!!).
status = vgd_write(self,unit,format)
  type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(in) :: self  !Vertical descriptor instance
  integer, intent(in) :: unit                 !File unit to write to
  character(len=*), intent(in) :: format      !File format ('fst' or 'bin')

3.6 Position Calculations

These methods allow the user to compute the position of points in space. The outputs fields from these methods should be declared in the calling procedure as pointer arrays to allow for correctly-sized allocation within the module.

3.6.1 Vertical Levels

To compute the hydrostatic pressure (Pa).

The use of a prototype field (actually, the FST key of the prototype field) allows the user to specify which vertical coordinate should be used to compute level information. This is especially useful for staggered grids, where different variables appear at different levels with the same vertical descriptor. Note that in this case, any required reference field is read automatically from the input file.
status = vgd_levels(self,unit,fstkeys,levels,in_log)
  type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(in) :: self                  !Vertical descriptor instance
  integer, intent(in) :: unit                                 !File unit associated with the key
  integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: fstkeys                !Key of prototype field
  real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: levels               !Physical level values
  logical, optional, intent(in) :: in_log                     !Compute levels in ln() [.false.]

If no prototype field is available, there is no input file (i.e. the vertical descriptor has been constructed manually), or a user-defined reference field is to be provided, then a second interface to the level calculation is provided. Waring: data in the sfc_field must by in Pa.

 status = vgd_levels(self,ip1_list,levels,sfc_field,in_log) result(status)
  type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(in) :: self                  !Vertical descriptor instance
  integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ip1_list               !Key of prototype field
  real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: levels                   !Physical level values
  real, dimension(:,:), optional, intent(in) :: sfc_field     !Surface field reference for coordinate [none]
  logical, optional, intent(in) :: in_log                     !Compute levels in ln() [.false.]
A very similar interface is provided for users who wish to compute profiles of levels rather than the full three-dimensional fields. In this case, a scalar sfc_field value is provided (if required for the coordinate in question) and the returned levels is a one-dimensional real pointer.
 status = vgd_levels(self,ip1_list,levels,sfc_field,in_log) result(status)
  type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(in) :: self                  !Vertical descriptor instance
  integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ip1_list               !Key of prototype field
  real, dimension(:), pointer :: levels                       !Physical level values
  real, optional, intent(in) :: sfc_field                     !Surface field reference for coordinate [none]
  logical, optional, intent(in) :: in_log                     !Compute levels in ln() [.false.]

Note : real*8 interfaces are also provided. To access these interface, make pointer levels and sfc_field of type real*8.

3.7 hydrostatic pressure partial derivative with respect to surface hydrostatic pressure

To compute the hydrostatic pressure partial derivative with respect to surface hydrostatic pressure (more info here) use the following method:

vgd_dpidpis(self,ip1_list,dpidpis,sfc_field) result(status)
     type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(in) :: self                  !Vertical descriptor instance
     integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ip1_list               !Key of prototype field
     real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: dpidpis                  !pressure derivative with respect to sfc pressure
     real, dimension(:,:), optional, intent(in) :: sfc_field     !Surface field reference for coordinate [none]

A very similar interface is provided for users who wish to compute the field on profiles rather than the full three-dimensional fields. In this case, a scalar sfc_field value is provided (if required for the coordinate in question) and the returned levels is a one-dimensional real pointer.

vgd_dpidpis(self,ip1_list,dpidpis,sfc_field) result(status)
     type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(in) :: self                  !Vertical descriptor instance
     integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ip1_list               !Key of prototype field
     real, dimension(:), pointer :: dpidpis                      !Derivative values
     real, optional, intent(in) :: sfc_field                     !Surface field reference for coordinate [none]

Note : real*8 interfaces are also provided. To access these interface, make pointer levels and sfc_field of type real*8.

3.8 Diagnostic Methods

These methods allow the user to obtain a dump of the information contained in the Vertical Grid Descriptor object. While not normally useful, they can be important methods during development since they give all available information about the vertical grid descriptors in use.

status = vgd_print(self,stdout)
  type(vgrid_descriptor), intent(in) :: self  !Vertical descriptor instance
  integer, intent(in), optional :: stdout     !Output unit to write to [6]

An alternative interface to vgd_print is provided (version 5.1.0 and up) and allows to get basic information about any Vcode

status = vgd_print(vcode)
    integer, intent(in) :: vcode

4 Valid Keys

A set of keys are available to allow the user to reference the instance variables (elements) of the Grid Desriptor object. These keys can be used in the vgd_get and vgd_put methods to retrieve and set values of components of the object. Each key is identified using the first four characters of the string. After that, the string may contain any text that makes the code as self-documenting as possible. In the first column of the table shown here, suggested long-form names for the keys are provided for reference. All key names are case-independent.

4.1 Standard File Record Keys

The ip1 and ip2 entries in the standard file record are used to determine which fields are associated with which set of vertical descriptors. To modify these values, use the entries in the following table.

Key Name Type and Attributes Description
DATE - date stamp integer Date stamp of descriptor
ETIK - record stamp character(len=*) Stamp (etiket) of descriptor
IG_1 - record ig1 integer IG1 value of descriptor
IG_2 - record ig2 integer IG2 value of descriptor
IG_3 - record ig3 integer IG3 value of descriptor
IG_4 - record ig4 integer IG4 value of descriptor
IP_1 - record ip1 integer IP1 value of vertical descriptor
IP_2 - record ip2 integer IP2 value of vertical descriptor
IP_3 - record ip3 integer IP3 value of vertical descriptor
NAME - descriptor name character(len=*) Name of the descriptor
For example, to set the ip1 value of the vertical coordinate descriptor to 100, a call to the vgd_put method (for the Vertical Grid Descriptor instance d) would look like the following.
status = vgd_put(d,key='IP_1 - record ip1',value=100)

4.2 Vertical Coordinate Keys

Key Name Type and Attributes Description
KIND - vertical coordinate ip1 kind integer Kind of the vertical coordinate ip1
VERS - vertical coordinate version integer For a given kind there may be many versions, example kind=5 version=2 is hyb staggered GEM4.1
NL_M - number of momentum levels integer Number of momentum levels (verison 3.2.0 and up)
NL_T - number of thermodynamic levels integer Number of thermodynamic levels (version 3.2.0 and up)
CA_M - vertical A coefficient (m) real*8, dimension(:), pointer Values of coefficient A on momentum levels
CA_T - vertical A coefficient (t) real*8, dimension(:), pointer Values of coefficient A on thermodynamic levels
CB_M - vertical B coefficient (m) real*8, dimension(:), pointer Values of coefficient B on momentum levels
CB_T - vertical B coefficient (t) real*8, dimension(:), pointer Values of coefficient B on thermodynamic levels
COFA - vertical A coefficient real*8, dimension(:), pointer Values of coefficient A in unstaggered levelling
COFB - vertical B coefficient real*8, dimension(:), pointer Values of coefficient B in unstaggered levelling
DIPM - IP1 of diagnostic level (m) integer The IP1 value of the momentum diagnostic level
DIPT - IP1 of diagnostic level (t) integer The IP1 value of the thermodynamic diagnostic level
DHM - height of the diagnostic level (m)[1] real, dimension(:), pointer Height of the momentum diagonstic level (m)
DHT - height of the diagnostic level (t)[2] real, dimension(:), pointer Height of the thermodynamic diagonstic level (m)
PREF - reference pressure real*8 Pressure of the reference level (Pa)
PTOP - top level pressure real*8 Pressure of the top level (Pa)
RC_1 - first R-coef value real , dimension(:), pointer First coordinate recification R-coefficient
RC_2 - second R-coef value real , dimension(:), pointer Second coordinate recification R-coefficient
RFLD - reference field name character(len=VGD_LEN_NAME) Name of the reference field for the vertical coordinate in the FST file
VCDM - vertical coordinate (m)[3] real, dimension(:), pointer List of momentum coordinate values
VCDT - vertical coordinate (t)[4] real, dimension(:), pointer List of thermodynamic coordinate values
VIPM - level ip1 list (m) integer, dimension(:), pointer List of IP1 momentum values associated with this coordinate
VIPT - level ip1 list (t) integer, dimension(:), pointer List of IP1 thermodynamic values associated with this coordinate
VTBL - vgrid_descriptor table real*8, dimension(:,:,:), pointer real*8 Fortran array containing all vgrid_descriptor information. more info here
LOGP - furmula gives log(p) T/F (version 1.0.3 and greater) logical True -> Formula with A and B gives log(p),

False -> Formula with A and B gives p

5 Class Variables

The following class variables are available to all procedures that use-associate the Vertical Grid Descriptor module.

Class Variable Name Description
VGD_ERROR Value of return status for an error method completion.
VGD_LEN_NAME Length of field names for vertical grid descriptors.
VGD_MISSING Missing value returned from requests to retrieve invalid elements.
VGD_OK Value of return status for successful method completion.

6 Options

6.1 Setting and getting options

Functions vgd_getopt and vgd_putopt allows to query and set option value, for example, option ALLOW_RESHAPE can be queried and set with the following code:

logical :: my_bol_value
stat = vgd_getopt("ALLOW_RESHAPE",my_bol_value)
stat = vgd_putopt("ALLOW_RESHAPE",.true.)
stat = vgd_putopt("ALLOW_RESHAPE",.false.)


The option ALLOW_RESHAPE controls vectors/tables reshaping by the package (version 4.2.0 and up). The default value is .false., therefore, if a user allocates a vector to the incorrect length, the package will not reshape it and will return the error code VGD_ERROR and will print an error message similar to the following:

ERROR: (vgd)  3D pointer levels already allocated with a different length, will not reallocate in levels_withref

On the other hand, if the ALLOW_RESHAPE is set to .true. (see code below), the package will reshape an incorrect length vector and will print a warning.

stat = vgd_getopt("ALLOW_RESHAPE",my_bol_value)
stat = vgd_putopt("ALLOW_RESHAPE",.true.)
stat = vgd_putopt("ALLOW_RESHAPE",.false.)
  1. This value can be retrieved with using vgd_get(), but not set since it is not a member of the vgrid_descriptor type. The DIPM key should be used to set the diagnostic level IP1 value via vgd_put() instead.
  2. This value can be retrieved with using vgd_get(), but not set since it is not a member of the vgrid_descriptor type. The DIPT key should be used to set the diagnostic level IP1 value via vgd_put() instead.
  3. Value may be retrieved using vgd_get(), but not set since it is not a member of the vgrid_descriptor type. The VIPM key should be used to set levels in vgd_put() instead.
  4. Value may be retrieved using vgd_get(), but not set since it is not a member of the vgrid_descriptor type. The VIPT key should be used to set levels in vgd_put() instead.