CLT_EXP(1)                       RPN UTILITY                        CLT_EXP(1)
       clt_exp - obtain working copies of source files.

       clt_exp file ...

        clt_exp is a command of  the etagere system (environnement de  travail
automatise de gestion d'experiences avec RCS) used to extract a read-only copy
of a  file   from a  RCS master  directory.   The RCS  master directories  are
searched in the order given by the RCSPATH environment variable.

        The files  obtained via  clt_exp have  read-only permissions  for  the
user. Therefore, frm_exp will not include them in the list of files to save in
the local RCS sub-directory when closing an experiment.

       To obtain a  copy for consultation of one or more files, you need  only
give their names:

        clt_exp aaa.cdk bbb.cdk ccc.cdk ddd.ftn

        clt_exp will  first  try  to  extract  the  file  from  the local  RCS
sub-directory and,  if necessary,  will  then search  the various  RCS  master
directories given by RCSPATH.  The search ends as soon as the file is found.

        NOTE: clt_exp considers that a file has been found if the version
                extracted from the RCS file is non-empty.

        James Caveen - RPN - november 1991

        See also cltr_exp(1), dir_exp(1), eff_exp(1), etagere(1),  frm_exp(1),
grep_exp(1), hst_exp(1), intro_exp(1),  make_exp(1), mdm_exp(1),  menu_exp(1),
mrcs_exp(1),  omd_exp(1),  omdr_exp(1),  ouv_exp(1),  qui_exp(1),  rev_exp(1),
smod_exp(1)  and sor_exp(1).