EFF_EXP(1) RPN UTILITY EFF_EXP(1) NAME eff_exp - delete an etagere experiment. USAGE eff_exp experiment_name DESCRIPTION eff_exp is a command of the etagere system (environnement de travail automatise de gestion d'experiences avec RCS) used to delete an experiment from the RCS sub-directory (i.e., remove a revision from the rcs revision tree). An experiment located at a node point in the revision tree cannot be deleted by eff_exp. In other words, an experiment cannot be erased if it has been used as the starting point to more than one experiment. EXAMPLE We have the following experiment tree: _______________ | | | base | |_______________| | _______|_______ | | | experiment01 | |_______________| | _______________ _______|_______ ________________ | | | | | | | experiment02-a|-----| experiment02 |-----| experiment02-b | |_______________| |_______________| |________________| | _______|_______ | | | experiment03 | |_______________| The command eff_exp experiment02 will result in an error message because it serves as the starting point to more than one experiment. However, all the other experiments can be deleted from the revision tree. For example, eff_exp experiment01 will delete experiment01 from the revision tree and will create all the necessary links between base and experiment02. AUTHOR James Caveen - RPN - december 1991 NOTE See also clt_exp(1), cltr_exp(1), dir_exp(1), etagere(1), frm_exp(1), grep_exp(1), hst_exp(1), intro_exp(1), make_exp(1), mdm_exp(1), menu_exp(1), mrcs_exp(1), omd_exp(1), omdr_exp(1), ouv_exp(1), qui_exp(1), rev_exp(1), smod_exp(1) and sor_exp(1). See also rcsfile(4).