FRM_EXP(1)                       RPN UTILITY                        FRM_EXP(1)
        frm_exp - close an etagere experiment.


        frm_exp is a command of  the etagere system (environnement de  travail
automatise de  gestion  d'experiences avec  RCS)  used to  close  the  current
experiment.  All the  files with .ftn,  .ptn, .cdk, .f  (not generated from  a
.ptn or .ftn file), .c, .s,  .h and .txt extensions that were modified  during
the current experiment will be  saved and deposited as  a new revision in  the
experiment tree of the RCS  sub-directory.  The etagere environment  variables
RCSPATH  and  RCSBASE  are  also  saved   as  a  new  revision  in  the   file

        When closing an experiment, the user is asked to supply the name under
which the experiment will be  known in the rcs revision  tree.  Giving a  name
already in use will  result in an  error message.  The hst_exp utility may  be
used to  obtain the  list  of all  the experiment  names  present in  the  RCS

        After having supplied a name for the experiment, the user is asked  to
give a log message  describing what the experiment  being saved is about.  The
message may be entered on the keyboard on one or more lines and is  terminated
by the sequence CTL-D  at the beginning of  a new line.   The log message  may
also be kept in a separate file which will be read by frm_exp.  If this is the
case, at the frm_exp prompt the user  must redirect standard input to the  log
file (< log_file) and terminate with the CTL-D sequence on a new line.

        For instance, closing an experiment with  the log message in the  file

Give a revision message (end with single CTL-D on a line)
< my_log_file 

        James Caveen - RPN - november 1991
        Latest revision: November 1993

        An experiment name must begin with  a letter and can only be  composed
of letters, digits and the underscore character.

        The length of the log message is limited to 64K.

        When an experiment is  being closed, all  the  files  to be saved  are
first copied to directory  RCS/.RCS and are then  deleted when the closing  is

        See also clt_exp(1), cltr_exp(1), dir_exp(1), eff_exp(1),  etagere(1),
grep_exp(1), hst_exp(1), intro_exp(1),  make_exp(1), mdm_exp(1),  menu_exp(1),
mrcs_exp(1),  omd_exp(1),  omdr_exp(1),  ouv_exp(1),  qui_exp(1),  rev_exp(1),
smod_exp(1) and sor_exp(1).