globrev - deposit a new revision for a set of rcs files.

        globrev -RCS directory -r revision -log logfile -tous

        globrev -h   to display the calling sequence

        globrev [-+]  to go to full-screen mode of operation

        globrev is a  command used to  create a  new revision of  all the  rcs
files in a directory.   Unless the -tous parameter is used,only the files with
extensions .ftn,v    .ptn,v .f,v  .c,v  .s,v .cdk,v  and  .h,v in  the  target
directory will be considered by globrev. If there exists a working file in the
current directory that corresponds to a rcs file in the rcs target  directory,
the working file will be used to create  the new revision in the rcs file.  If
no working file is  found, the latest  revision on the  trunk of the  revision
tree of the rcs file will be used.


               RCS -  This  key  indicates  to  globrev  that  the   following
                      argument is the name of the rcs target directory.

         directory -  Name of the target directory.

                -r -  This  key  indicates  to  globrev  that  the   following
                      parameter is the revision number to use when  depositing
                      the new revision.

          revision -  revision number.

              -log -  This  key  indicates  to  globrev  that  the   following
                      parameter is the  name of  the file  containing the  log
                      message to be used when depositing the new revision.

           logfile -  name of the file that contains the log message for ci.

             -tous -  This key indicates to globrev that all the working files
                      of the current directory  are to be  used to create  new
                      revisions in the target rcs directory.

        Suppose we have a working directory with the following contents:

        a.ftn  b.ftn   d.ftn   logfile

        The .ftn   files contain the latest modifications for a set of
subroutines and will be used to create revision number 4.0 in the rcs files of
a directory called  MY_RCS.  The file named logfile contains the log message
that will be used by ci when depositing the new revision.

        The directory MY_RCS contains the following files:

        a.ftn,v  b.ftn,v   c.ftn,v

        Entering the command

              globrev -RCS MY_RCS -r 4.0 -log logfile

              1 -  create a list of the files to process from the contents  of
                   the MY_RCS directory (a.ftn, b.ftn and c.ftn).

              2 -  lock the latest revision on the  tree for all the files  in
                   the above list  that have a  corresponding working file  in
                   the current directory.
                   (rcs -l MY_RCS/a.ftn,v MY_RCS/b.ftn,v)

              3 -  do a co  (with lock)  of the  remaining files  of the  list
                   given in 1. 
                   (co -l MY_RCS/c.ftn,v)

              4 -  do a ci, at the specified revision number, of all the files
                   given in  the list.    logfile will  be  used for  the  log
                   (ci -r4.0  MY_RCS/a.ftn,v MY_RCS/b.ftn,v  MY_RCS/c.ftn,v  <

        After execution, the only remaining file in the current directory will
be d.ftn since there is no MY_RCS/d.ftn,v file.

        If we had  used the -tous  parameter, the d.ftn  file would have  been
included in the list of files to use thus creating a MY_RCS/d.ftn,v.


       James Caveen - RPN


         See also ci(1), co(1), rcsintro(1), rcsfile(1), rlog(1), refuse(1)

         Latest revision:  april 28, 1992