HST_EXP(1)                       RPN UTILITY                        HST_EXP(1)
       hst_exp - list the history of all experiments done with etagere.


        hst_exp is a command of  the etagere system (environnement de  travail
automatise de gestion d'experiences  avec RCS) used to  obtain the history  of
all the experiments saved  so far in the  current RCS sub-directory.   hst_exp
sends its results to standard output.

        The history is extracted  from the log messages  supplied by the  user
when experiments are closed using frm_exp.    Therefore, it is very  important
that the  log message  given at  the time  of closure   provides  an  adequate
description of the experiment being saved.

        James Caveen - RPN - november 1991

        See also clt_exp(1), cltr_exp(1), dir_exp(1), eff_exp(1),  etagere(1),
frm_exp(1), grep_exp(1), intro_exp(1),  make_exp(1), mdm_exp(1),  menu_exp(1),
mrcs_exp(1),  omd_exp(1),  omdr_exp(1),  ouv_exp(1),  qui_exp(1),  rev_exp(1),
smod_exp(1)  and sor_exp(1).