make_exp - create a description file for the make utility.
make_exp [-f] [-DEFINE =-Dtoken1[:-Dtoken2] ...] [-MALIB libname]
[-COMPILE file_name] [-FFLAGS=flag[:flag] ...]
[-CPPFLAGS=flag[:flag] ...] [-CFLAGS=flag[:flag] ...]
[-ASFLAGS=flag[:flag} ...] [-quick] [-+]
make_exp -h to obtain the calling sequence.
NOTE: It is assumed that the reader is somewhat familiar with the
make utility.
make_exp is a command used to create description files for the make
utility. make is a command generator used to maintain, update, and generate
groups of source code files. The two description files created by make_exp
are named Makefile and make_cdk. The description files contain all the
dependency relations among all the source files (between *.[fp]tn and *.cdk,
between *.c and *.h and between *.s and *.h) present in the RCS master
directories as well as in the current directory. Makefile contains the list of
all the .cdk files that are needed by a given .ftn or .ptn file, and all the
.h files that are needed by a given .c or .s file. As for make_cdk, it
contains the list of all .ftn, .ptn files that need a given .cdk file as well
as a list of all the .c or .s files that require a given .h file.
When make_exp is used in the etagere environment, (environnement de
travail automatise de gestion d'experiences avec RCS) the description files
created will contain all the dependencies of all the files found in the
following directories:
1- the current working directory
2- the local RCS sub-directory
3- all the RCS master directories specified in RCSPATH
A description file (Makefile) created within the etagere context
should not be used if there is no active experiment in the current working
When make_exp is used outside of the etagere environment, the search
for dependencies will be limited to the current directory and the RCS sub-
directory, unless the environment variable RCSPATH has previously been
initialized. In this context, the presence of the -f keyword is required.
The description file Makefile is built in such a way that entering the
will display a menu of all the possible targets of Makefile. The user may
then select a target by giving the number corresponding to his choice.
In order to add targets and macros to Makefile, the user can create
additional description files called mes_recettes and/or my_targets which are
kept in the current working directory. Another description file called
.recettes can also be stored in the RCS sub-directory. Furthermore, the
person responsible for the maintenance of a RCS master directory can also keep
a .recettes file in that master directory. All these description files will
be appended to Makefile by make_exp and their target definitions will be
included in the menu displayed when issuing a make command.
Note that the search for dependencies (and the inclusion of .recettes
files) is done in reversed order: the last directory of the RCSPATH is
searched first and make_exp proceeds backwards to end the search in the
current directory. Thus, the macro definitions in the files mes_recettes and
my_targets will override any previous definition in a .recettes file.
Note also that a .recettes file is copied to a RCS directory and not
checked-in via ci.
To create a personal description file you must:
1- enter the name of the target and its components.
2- on the following line, enter a comment briefly describing the
purpose of the target.
3- enter the commands to be executed in order to generate the target
from its components.
NOTES: The comment starts with a sharp sign (#) and is written on one
line. To force a line feed in the display of the comment,
insert the characters \n. Only one line feed is allowed.
All the command lines of the target must begin with a tab.
EXAMPLE OF A FILE my_targets
In this example, we define a target that will compile all the source
all the directories (current directory and RCS sub-directory, plus all RCS
master directories) and produce an executable file called "absolu".
Content of my_targets:
| |
|absolu: $(FICHIERS) $(OBJECTS) |
|#Compile all files and produce an executable\nfile\ |
|called absolu |
| f77 -o $@ $(OBJETCS) |
When invoking make without a target name, the above target will become
one of the choices of the target menu displayed. To the menu option absolu
will be associated an execution number. The screen should look more or less
like this:
| |
| |
| 1- compil : compiler tous les .ftn modifies... |
| 2- full : compiler tous les .ftn ... |
| . |
| . |
| . |
| 15-absolu : Compile all files and produce an executable |
| file called absolu |
| |
| |
| Entrez q pour terminer |
| Entrez le numero de votre choix : |
| |
You may specify, in mes_recettes, my_targets or .recettes, the number
of menu options displayed per screen by setting the macro NRECETTES:
where nn is any number. The default is to display 10 targets per screen.
-f this keyword indicates to make_exp that there is no
current experiment and that no RCS master directories
need to be searched. This key must be present when using
make_exp outside of the etagere environment.
-DEFINE this keyword indicates to make_exp that the next
parameter is a token to pass to cpp when creating .f
files from .ftn or .ptn files.
To generate a file aaa.f from aaa.ftn, the following
command is issued:
/lib/cpp -P $(DEFINE) aaa.ftn > aaa.f
To generate a file aaa.f from aaa.ptn, the following
command is issued:
/lib/cpp -P $(DEFINE) $(DOC) aaa.ftn | \
sed 's/^[ ].*PROGRAM / SUBROUTINE / \
sed 's/^[ ].*program / subroutine / \ > aaa.f
To pass a list of defined tokens, use the following
syntax: -DEFINE =-Dtoken1:-Dtoken2:-Dtoken3
Default value: DEFINE='-DNEC=nec'
-MALIB the parameter following this keyword is the name to use
when creating or updating a user library. The default is
to use malib.a as the library name.
The $(MALIB) macro is used by targets: genlib, libexp,
majlib and qmajlib.
-COMPILE the parameter following this keyword is the name to use
for the file that will contain the collection of .f files
generated by certain targets. By default, the name
compile is used.
The $(COMPILE) macro is used by targets: compil, qcompil,
compexp and full.
-quick this keyword is used to insert the content of
mes_recettes and my_targets in the Makefile. make_exp
will not sort out the dependency relations among the
*.ftn and *.cdk files when this key is present. The
beginning of Makefile, up to the personal target section,
will remain untouched.
To modify or add personal targets, the user edits either
mes_recettes or my_targets and then issues a
make_exp -quick command to insert the new targets in
-FFLAGS The parameters following this keyword are flags for the
FORTRAN language compiler f77.
-CPPFLAGS The parameters following this keyword are flags to pass
to the C language preprocessor cpp when producing object
files from C language programs.
-CFLAGS The parameters following this keyword are flags for the C
language compiler cc.
-ASFLAGS The parameters following this keyword are flags for the
assembly language compiler as.
-+ This keyword forces make_exp to execute in full-screen
NOTE: In order to pass a value containing a negative sign, the
following method must be used:
-keyword =-value:-value:-value
For example:
make_exp -DEFINE=-DUNIX:-Ddebug -FFLAGS=-g:-C
Makefile -description file for .ftn, .ptn, .f, .c and .s
files and associated targets.
make_cdk -description file for .cdk and .h files.
arbre_de_dependance -this file contains a dependency tree for all
the .ftn, .ptn and .cdk files as well as for
all .c, .s and .h files. This text file is
created and used only by make_exp. It may be
deleted by the user after the execution of
.recettes -personal target files that reside in the RCS
directories to be searched by make_exp. The
content of .recettes files is appended to
mes_recettes -personal target files that reside in the
my_targets currentworking directory. The contents of
mes_recettes and my_targets are appended to
Makefile. my_targets is appended last.
The co-existence of a "deck" and a "comdeck" having the same base name
(ex. aaa.ftn and aaa.cdk or bbb.c and bbb.h) will cause dependency errors in
A target name appearing more than once in Makefile, will result in an
error message from the menu display program. Refer to the Makefile file before
constructing a personal target file such as mes_recettes.
The presence of back-up files with extensions such as .ftn~ or .ftn#
(emacs back-up files for instance) will cause problems when make_exp generates
the dependency relations between .ftn and .cdk files.
J. Caveen, M. Valin, M. Lepine - RPN - April 1991
See also clt_exp(1), cltr_exp(1), dir_exp(1), eff_exp(1), etagere(1),
frm_exp(1), grep_exp(1), hst_exp(1), intro_exp(1), mdm_exp(1), menu_exp(1),
mrcs_exp(1), omd_exp(1), omdr_exp(1), ouv_exp(1), qui_exp(1),
rev_exp(1),smod_exp(1) and sor_exp(1).
See also make(1), cpp(1), ar(1) and cclargs(1).
Latest revision: November 1993.
DEFINE $(DEFINE) contains the list of defined tokens
to pass to cpp (e.g., #if defined (UNIX))when
generating .f files from .ftn or .ptn files.
FFLAGS $(FFLAGS) contains the compilation options to
pass on to the FORTRAN compiler.
CFLAGS $(CFLAGS) contains the compilation options for
the C language compiler.
CPPFLAGS $(CPPFLAGS) contains the options for the cpp
pass when invoking the C language compiler.
Note that these options may be provided via
the CFLAGS macro as well, and vice versa.
ASFLAGS $(ASFLAGS) contains the options for the
assembly language compiler.
COMPILE $(COMPILE) contains the name of the file which
will contain the collection of all FORTRAN
source files produced by certain targets.
DOC $(DOC) may contains flags for cpp used to
generate documentation files from .ptn source
files. It is presently set to a null value by
MALIB $(MALIB) contains the name of the object
library produced or modified by the library
generation targets of Makefile.
RMNLIB RMNLIB = $(ARMNLIB)/lib/rmnxlib.a
FTNDECKS $(FTNDECKS) contains the list of all the .ftn
PTNDECKS $(PTNDECKS) contains the list of all the .ptn
FDECKS $(FDECKS) contains the list of all the .f
files (geuine .f files as well as those
produced from $(FTNDECKS) and $(PTNDECKS)).
CDECKS $(CDECKS) contains the list of all the C
language files.
ASDECKS $(ASDECKS) contains the list of all the
assembly language files.
COMDECKS $(COMDECKS) contains the list of all the .cdk
HDECKS $(HDECKS) contains the list of all the .h
files (header files).
make_exp uses the following rules in the Makefile file:
.SUFFIXES : .ftn .ptn .f .c .s .o
$(CPP) -P $(DEFINE) $(DOC) $< |\
sed 's/^[ ].*PROGRAM / SUBROUTINE /' |\
sed 's/^[ ].*program / subroutine /' > $*.f
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f
chmod 444 $*.f
$(CPP) -P $(DEFINE) $(DOC) $< |\
sed 's/^[ ].*PROGRAM / SUBROUTINE /' |\
sed 's/^[ ].*program / subroutine /' > $*.f
chmod 444 $*.f
$(CPP) -P $(DEFINE) $< > $*.f
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f
chmod 444 $*.f
$(CPP) -P $(DEFINE) $< > $*.f
chmod 444 $*.f
$(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $<
$(AS) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) $<
NOTE: in the following descriptions, the term fortran file or .f file refers
to genuine .f files as well as those produced from .ftn and .ptn as
indicated in the suffixes rules stated in Appendix 2.
A .tx t file is a text file such as a shell script that is part of an
obj: This target will generate object files from all the source code files:
*.ftn, *.ptn, *.f, *.c, and *.s .
full: Include all the fortran files in $(COMPILE) and fetch all the .c .s
and .h files.
compil: Include in $(COMPILE) only the .f files affected by the latest
modifications and fetch all the .c and .s files affected by the latest
modifications. Note that modifying a .cdk or a .h file will cause the
extraction of all the .ftn, .ptn and .c files that do a #include of
the modified comdeck or header file.
compexp:similar treatment as in the compil target but performed on the files
of the currently open experiment. This target is reserved to etagere
users. Note that this target will extract files with a .txt extention
from the RCS working directory if appropriate.
objloc: this target will generate object files from the same set of source
code files as in the compil target.
objexp: this target will generate object files from the same set of source
code files as in the compexp target. Note that this target will
extract files with a .txt extention from the RCS working directory if
qcompil:include only the modified .f files in the $(COMPILE) file.
qobj: generate objects files from the modified source files. Unlike the
compil target, qcompil will not result in the extraction of files
affected by modifications brought to included files (.cdk and .h).
genlib: create or regenerate an object library called $(MALIB)that includes
the objects for all the source code files.
majlib: update the object library $(MALIB)with the objects generated by the
objloc target.
qmajlib:update the object library $(MALIB) with the objects generated by the
qobj target.
libexp: update the object library $(MALIB) with the objects generated by the
objexp target. Note that this target will extract files with a .txt
extention from the RCS working directory if appropriate.
clean: remove all unnecessary source code files and remove all object files.
This target will not work if you do not own the files or if you invoke
it while being a substitute user (see su(1) ).
qclean: remove only the .f files that where produced from .ftn or .ptn files
and remove all the object files. This target will not work if you
invoke it while being a substitute user (see su(1) ).