MENU_EXP(1)                      RPN UTILITY                       MENU_EXP(1)
        menu_exp - menu driven interface for the etagere system.


        menu_exp is a utility program of the etagere system (environnement  de
travail automatise de gestion d'experiences avec RCS) which allows  access via
a menu to all the other utilities  of etagere.  menu_exp offers a  full-screen
menu  with the following choices:
     |  1 - ouv_exp                 open an experiment                  |
     |  2 - frm_exp                 close an experiment                 |
     |  3 - qui_exp                 quit an experiment                  |
     |  4 - hst_exp                 list the experiments history        |
     |  5 - rev_exp                 list  RCS  revisions in RCS master  |
     |                              directories                         |
     |  6 - omd_exp                 obtain a working copy of a module   |
     |  7 - omdr_exp                obtain a specific revision of a     |
     |                              module                              |
     |  8 - clt_exp                 obtain a module for consultation    |
     |  9 - cltr_exp                obtain a specific revision of a     |
     |                              module for consultation             |
     | 10 - dir_exp                 list   content  of  RCS master      |
     |                              directories                         |
     | 11 - make_exp                creation of a makefile              |
     | 12 - eff_exp                 erase an experiment from the local  |
     |                              RCS directory                       |
     | 13 - mrcs_exp                modify the variable RCSPATH         |
     | 14 - sor_exp                 extract all files associated with   |
     |                              an experiment from the local RCS    |
     | 15 - smod_exp                extract all files differing from a  |
     |                              reference experiment                |
     | 16 - mdm_exp                 check for conflicting file names    |
     |                              in the various RCS master           |
     |                              directories                         |

        The user may  select more than  one option at  a time.   He could  for
instance wish to open an experiment, obtain working copies of certain  modules
and create  a makefile.   menu_exp  will then  call the  appropriate   etagere
utilities (for our example: ouv_exp, omd_exp and make_exp).

        menu_exp will call the  various etagere utilities  in a logical  order
when more than one choice is made by  the user.  If for example, the user  has
chosen to modify the value of the  RCSPATH variable and to create a  makefile,
the value of  RCSPATH will be  modified first  and then the  makefile will  be
constructed with the new RCSPATH value.

        To select an option, you just enter the keyword yes or oui next to the
menu choice.

      James Caveen - RPN - november 1991

        Some menu choices will prevent other options from being executed  when
selected;   eff_exp  will return  you  immediately  to the  Unix  prompt  upon

        See also clt_exp(1), cltr_exp(1), dir_exp(1), eff_exp(1),  etagere(1),
frm_exp(1), grep_exp(1),  hst_exp(1), intro_exp(1),  make_exp(1),  mdm_exp(1),
mrcs_exp(1),  omd_exp(1),  omdr_exp(1),  ouv_exp(1),  qui_exp(1),  rev_exp(1),
smod_exp(1) and sor_exp(1).