mrcs_exp - modify the RCSPATH environment variable.
mrcs_exp [-RCSPATH path1 ...] [-+]
mrcs_exp is a command of the etagere system (environnement de travail
automatise de gestion d'experiences avec RCS) used to modify the value of the
RCSPATH environment variable for the current experiment. It is thus possible
to add, modify or delete paths to RCS master directories for an experiment.
At least one of the arguments must be present when invoking mrcs_exp
since,when no argument is given, mrcs_exp substitutes the current value of
RCSPATH for the current value of RCSPATH (in other words, it does nothing very
To operate in full-screen mode, the user enters the command:
mrcs_exp -+
the current value of RCSPATH is displayed on the screen. The user may then
modify the value and press CTL-X to activate it.
To bypass the full-screen mode, enter the command:
mrcs_exp -RCSPATH path1:rev1 path2:rev2 ...
The value supplied will become the current RCSPATH in the .exper_cour file.
RCSPATH-is a variable containing the paths to the various RCS master
directories to search when looking for source files. The value
of RCSPATH is kept in the .exper_cour file. The rev portion of
a path is optional.
The user may invoke setenv to initialize RCSPATH or supply a
value through ouv_exp or mrcs_exp.
RCSPATH has the following format:
path1:rev1 path2:rev2 path3:rev3 ...
where rev is the optional rcs revision number to use when
extracting a file from a RCS master directory. Rev may be an
integer or real value. If rev is real, the revision number
obtained will match exactly -provided that it exists- the
revision number given in RCSPATH. If the revision number
specified does not exists, the previous revision to the number
given will be retrieved. If rev is an integer value, the most
recent version corresponding to the revision number given will
be extracted.
James Caveen - RPN - november 1991
Latest revision: March 1993
The value of RCSPATH is saved when an experiment is closed through
frm_exp. It is therefore not possible to modify permanently the value of
RCSPATH for an experiment that has already been closed.
mrcs_exp only works when there is an active experiment in the current
The user must use the make_exp utility after modifying the value of
RCSPATH in order to update the dependencies contained in the description files
Makefile and make_cdk.
See also clt_exp(1), cltr_exp(1), dir_exp(1), eff_exp(1), etagere(1),
frm_exp(1), grep_exp(1), hst_exp(1), intro_exp(1), make_exp(1), mdm_exp(1),
menu_exp(1), omd_exp(1), omdr_exp(1), ouv_exp(1), qui_exp(1), rev_exp(1),
smod_exp(1) and sor_exp(1).