ouv_exp - open an experiment managed by etagere.
ouv_exp [name] [-RCSPATH [path ...] ]
ouv_exp is a command of the etagere system (environnement de travail
automatise de gestion d'experiences avec RCS) used to open an experiment.
When it is used for the first time in a given directory, ouv_exp will create a
RCS sub-directory an ask you to supply a value for the environment variable
RCSPATH. It will then open an experiment called base. The name of the
current experiment and the value of RCSPATH are stored in the .exper_cour file
in the local directory.
When the local directory has already been used in the etagere
environment, the user is required to supply the name of the experiment to
open. The name supplied must be the name of an already existing experiment in
the RCS sub-directory otherwise an error will occur (an experiment is created
in the RCS sub-directory whenever a frm_exp command is issued). Whenever an
experiment is reopened, ouv_exp extracts the .exper_cour file associated with
this experiment and thus recreates the etagere environment that was valid at
the time the experiment was closed.
name - name of the experiment to open and which will serve as the
starting point for the work to be done during the current
experiment. By default, name is equal to base which implies
that the files obtained via omd_exp or clt_exp will always be
extracted from one of the RCS master directories specified by
the RCSPATH environment variable. If no name is given, ouv_exp
will prompt the user to supply the name of the experiment to
RCSPATH-path to the various RCS master directories.
RCSPATH-is a variable containing the paths to the various RCS master
directories to search when looking for source files. The value
of RCSPATH is kept in the .exper_cour file.
The user may invoke setenv to initialize RCSPATH or supply a
value through ouv_exp or mrcs_exp.
RCSPATH has the following format:
path1:rev1 path2:rev2 path3:rev3 ...
where rev is the rcs revision number to use when extracting a
file from a RCS master directory. Rev may be an integer or
real value. If rev is real, the revision number obtained will
match exactly -provided that it exists- the revision number
given in RCSPATH. If the revision number specified does not
exists, the previous revision to the number given will be
retrieved. If rev is an integer value, the most recent
version corresponding to the revision number given will be
For example:
setenv RCSPATH '/users/dor/armn/jfc/RCS1:2 \
implies that the user wants the most recent version of
revision number 2 for the files contained in the RCS1
directory. That is to say that if a file aaa.ftn exists at
revision levels 2.1 and 2.2, the revision extracted will be at
level 2.2.
On the other hand, the files from directory RCS2 will only be
extracted if they exist at revision level 3.4 or lower. A
file bbb.ftn with revision numbers 3.1 and 3.5 will be
retrieved at revision level 3.1.
The revision number portion is optional in a RCSPATH. If no
revision number is specified, the most recent revision on the
trunk of the RCS tree will be retrieved. The following is a
valid RCSPATH:
'/users/dor/armn/jfc/RCS1 /users/dor/armn/jfc/RCS2'
RCSBASE-contains the name of the experiment (revision in the user's
RCS subdirectory) that is used as a starting point for the
current experiment. If RCSBASE has for value "base", all the
files obtained via omd_exp, omdr_exp, clt_exp or cltr_exp will
come from one of the RCS master directories given by RCSPATH.
The value for RCSBASE is also kept in the file .exper_cour in
the user's working directory.
Opening an experiment for the first time in an empty directory:
will create a RCS sub-directory in the user's working directory and
will initialize the variables RCSPATH and RCSBASE. RCSPATH will be set to the
value supplied by the user when prompted by ouv_exp. If the environment
variable RCSPATH has been previously set by a call to setenv, that value will
be used.
RCSBASE in this example will have a value of "base" since it is the
first time that ouv_exp is used in this working directory.
The user may now obtain files through omd_exp, modify them, create a
description file for make (Makefile) via make_exp and compile his modified
modules. He may then save his modifications by calling frm_exp in order to
create a new revision (i.e., an experiment) in the working RCS sub-directory.
This new revision will be identified by a name supplied by the user upon
closing the experiment.
If for instance, the user has named his experiment exper01, a call to
ouv_exp with the following format:
ouv_exp exper01
will open the experiment exper01 and re-initialize the working
environment -RCSPATH and RCSBASE- to the appropriate values.
James Caveen - RPN - november 1991
Latest revision: March 1993
RCS/histoire,v - contains the history of all the experiments
saved in the RCS sub-directory.
.exper_cour - contains the values of the environment
variables RCSPATH and RCSBASE for the
current experiment.
Only one experiment may be active in a given working directory.
Trying to open an experiment in a directory where there is already an
experiment open will result in an error.
The use of a setenv RCSPATH will interfere when trying to open a new
experiment that requires a different RCSPATH than the one specified by the
environment. In such a situation, the new value for RCSPATH must be supplied
as an argument to ouv_exp;
ouv_exp -RCSPATH [path1 ... ]
Omission of the "path1 ..." portion will force full-screen mode.
See also clt_exp(1), cltr_exp(1), dir_exp(1), eff_exp(1), etagere(1),
frm_exp(1), grep_exp(1), hst_exp(1), intro_exp(1), make_exp(1), mdm_exp(1),
menu_exp(1), mrcs_exp(1), omd_exp(1), omdr_exp(1), qui_exp(1), rev_exp(1),
smod_exp(1) and sor_exp(1).