



fstcomp version 7.2 (February 2005)


fstcomp [-a -b -l -as -bs - af -bf -li -nd -ne -d -n -va -vb -nt -n1 -n2 -n3 -nn -x]

Examples of usage:
  • fstcomp
  • fstcomp -a filea -b fileb
  • fstcomp -a filea -b fileb -ne -nd -nt
  • fstcomp -va filea -vb fileb -l listing
  • fstcomp_7.7 -a fichier1 -b fichier2 -packerr 1


    Utility used to compare the contents of two RPN standard files (record by record). The comparison is done by looking at the records in file A sequentially and for each record, look in file B for the equivalent record before making a comparison of the values stored within this field. The output of the comparison report is through standard output but maybe redirected given a filename in the "-l" key.

    Definitions of keys in the command line
    -a filea
    filename of one of the two input RPN standard files for comparison. Default filename is "a"
    -b fileb
    filename of the other input RPN standard file for comparison. Default filename is "b"
    -l listingfile given for the stdout listing
    -as obsolete; do not use
    -bs obsolete; do not use
    -af obsolete; do not use
    -bf obsolete; do not use
    -li the exponent of the maximum relative error tolerance.
    Example: "-li =-3" means that FSTCOMP will tolerate differences not greater than 0.001
    The default value is E-07 (.0000001)
    -packerr the multiplier (usually 1) on the tolerance criterion (which is the compaction error) for the comparison.
    Example: Tolerance criterion for R16 (16bit compaction) = (Max - Min) / 2**16
    If the difference between two values are smaller than (tolerance)*(packerr), it will be tagged as no difference.
    -ndTo ignore the "date validity" parameter when searching for the equivalent record in file "B" to the record in file "A". (datev=dateo+npas*deet)
    -neTo ignore the "etiket" parameter when searching for the equivalent record in file "B" to the record in file "A".
    -dTo print more information than just the standard comparison
    -nOutputs no boxes around the message EXDB, EXFIN, at the beginning and at the end of the execution respectively.
    -va filea
    filename of one of the two input RPN random standard files for comparison and will print a table of contents of this file in a "voir" style. If the key is mentioned, the default filename would be "va"
    -vb fileb
    filename of the other input RPN random standard files for comparison and will print a table of contents of this file in a "voir" style. If the key is mentioned, the default filename would be "vb"
    -ntTo ignore the "typvar" parameter when searching for the equivalent record in file "B" to the record in file "A".
    -n1To ignore the "ip1" parameter when searching for the equivalent record in file "B" to the record in file "A".
    -n2To ignore the "ip2" parameter when searching for the equivalent record in file "B" to the record in file "A".
    -n3To ignore the "ip3" parameter when searching for the equivalent record in file "B" to the record in file "A".
    -nnTo ignore the "nomvar" parameter when searching for the equivalent record in file "B" to the record in file "A".
    -xTo specify that the "datyp" of the records in the files are of type "X" (ie: X32) - raw binary mode. Normally the "datyp" is in real "R" or IEEE "E" style representation.

    Description of Report Heading
    Title Description
    CLEA key of record found in file A
    CLEB key of record found in file B
    NOM nomvar - variable name of field
    ETIKET etiket - label of run/data
    IP1 ip1 - code of model level (see convip)
    IP2 ip2 - hour of forecast
    IP3 ip3
    E-REL-MAX maximum relative error => |1.0-A/B| where values A and B are compared. B must be non-zero so A and B could be switched for the purpose of calculation
    E-REL-MOY average relative error. See E-REL-MAX
    VAR-A variance of field in file A
    C-COR correlation (1.000 if fields are equal)
    MOY-A mean of field in file A
    BIAIS bias (0.000 if fields are equal)
    E-MAX maximum absolute error (0.000 if fields are equal)
    E-MOY average absolute error (0.000 if fields are equal)


    May 3rd, 2007, by Vivian Lee