XPS                              RPN UTILITIES                             XPS

       r.xps - Printing utility for X Window Dumps

       r.xps [-f] [-i] [-l] [-r] [-scale scale-factor]

        "r.xps" sends a copy of an X Window to a black-and-white Postscript
        printer, converting its colors to gray shades. The printer
        receiving the output can be specified through the environment
        variable "MON_LASER_PS", which can be set to:
            rpn500p: the large printer in the RPN admin area
            rpn557p: the printer in "la Pouponniere"
            rpn540:  the printer near the south-east corner

        If MON_LASER_PS is unset, then MON_LASER_PS is set to rpn500p.

        This tool is a short script calling the  "xwd" command and a set
        of filters used to convert a color X Window dump to a black and white
        bitmap printable by a Postscript printer.

        Once the command is invoked, the cursor of the workstation or
        X-Terminal changes to a cross shape. The next step is to click
        with the left mouse button in the window that you want printed. After
        clicking in a window, you will hear one beep, followed by two other
        beeps a few seconds after. Then comes a diagnostic message informing
        you that the output has been sent to the printer specified 
        by $MON_LASER_PS.

        -h: print out the `Usage:' command syntax summary

        -i: inverts the image (white becomes black and vice-versa)
        -f: includes the window manager frame with the window

        -l: prints the image in landscape format
        -r: prints the entire screen

        -scale: scales the image. 
               (recommended for X-Terms with a 1024x768 resolution)
               (recommended for workstation screens of 1280x1024).
               The default is actually 0.5.

        Yves Chartier, Michel Valin
        The script uses many utilities of the "ppm" package, written by
        Jef Poskanzer.

        July 20th, 1992

