UNZIP(1)                 USER COMMANDS                   UNZIP(1)

     unzip - list/test/extract from a ZIP archive file

     unzip [ -cflptuvxz[ajnoqUV] ] file[.zip] [filespec ...]

     file[.zip]  Path of the ZIP archive.  The suffix ``.zip'' is
                 applied  if  the  file specified does not exist.
                 Note that self-extracting  ZIP  files  are  sup-
                 ported;  just  specify the ``.exe'' suffix your-

     [filespec]  An optional list of archive members to  be  pro-
                 cessed.  Expressions may be used to match multi-
                 ple members; be sure to quote  expressions  that
                 contain  characters interpreted by the operating
                 system.  See  DESCRIPTION   (below)   for   more

     -c  extract files to stdout/screen (``CRT'')
     -f  freshen existing files (replace if newer); create none
     -l  list archive files (short format)
     -p  extract files to pipe; no informational messages
     -t  test archive files
     -u  update existing files; create new ones if needed
     -v  list archive files (verbose format)
     -x  extract files in archive (default)
     -z  display only the archive comment

     -a  convert to MS-DOS textfile format (CR  LF),  Mac  format
         (CR),  Unix/VMS  format  (LF),  OR from ASCII to EBCDIC,
         depending on your system (only use for TEXT files!)
     -j  junk paths (don't recreate  archive's  directory  struc-
     -n  never overwrite existing files; don't prompt
     -o  OK to overwrite files without prompting
     -q  perform operations quietly (-qq => even quieter)
     -s  [OS/2,  MS-DOS]  allow  spaces   in   filenames   (e.g.,
         ``EA DATA. SF'')
     -U  leave filenames uppercase if created under MS-DOS,  VMS,
     -V  retain (VMS) file version numbers
     -X  [VMS]  restore  owner/protection   info   (may   require

     UnZip will list, test, or extract from a ZIP  archive,  com-
     monly  found on MSDOS systems.  Archive member extraction is
     implied by the absence of the -c,  -p,  -t,  -l,  -v  or  -z

Info-ZIP          Last change: 22 Aug 92 (v5.0)                 1

UNZIP(1)                 USER COMMANDS                   UNZIP(1)

     options.    All  archive  members  are  processed  unless  a
     filespec is provided to specify  a  subset  of  the  archive
     members.   The  filespec  is similar to an egrep expression,
     and may contain:

     *      matches a sequence of 0 or more characters
     ?      matches exactly 1 character
     \nnn   matches the character having octal code nnn
     [...]  matches any single character found inside the  brack-
            ets; ranges are specified by a beginning character, a
            hyphen, and an ending character.  If  an  exclamation
            point  or  a  carat  (`!'  or  `^')  follows the left
            bracket, then the range of characters matched is com-
            plemented  with  respect  to  the ASCII character set
            (that is, anything except the characters  inside  the
            brackets is considered a match).

     UnZip's default behavior may be modified via options  placed
     in  an  environment  variable.   This  can  be done with any
     option, but it is probably most useful with the -q,  -o,  or
     -n modifiers:  in order to make UnZip quieter by default, or
     to make it always overwrite or never overwrite files  as  it
     extracts them.  For example, to make UnZip act as quietly as
     possible, only reporting errors, one would use  one  of  the
     following commands:

           setenv UNZIP -qq           Unix C shell

           UNZIP=-qq; export UNZIP    Unix Bourne shell

           set UNZIP=-qq              OS/2 or MS-DOS

           define UNZIP_OPTS "-qq"    VMS (quotes for LOWERCASE)

     Environment options are, in effect, considered  to  be  just
     like  any  other  command-line options, except that they are
     effectively the first options on the command line.  To over-
     ride  an  environment option, one may use the ``minus opera-
     tor'' to remove it.  For instance, to override  one  of  the
     quiet-flags in the example above, use the command

           unzip --q[other options] zipfile

     The first hyphen is the normal  switch  character,  and  the
     second  is  a  minus sign, acting on the q option.  Thus the
     effect here is to cancel a single quantum of quietness.   To
     cancel both quiet flags, two (or more) minuses may be used:

           unzip -x--q zipfile

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UNZIP(1)                 USER COMMANDS                   UNZIP(1)


           unzip ---qx zipfile

     (the two are equivalent).  This may seem awkward or  confus-
     ing,  but it is reasonably intuitive:  just ignore the first
     hyphen and go from there.  It is also  consistent  with  the
     behavior of Unix nice(1).

     To  use  UnZip  to  extract  all  members  of  the   archive
     letters.zip, creating any directories as necessary:

           unzip letters

     To extract all members of letters.zip to the current  direc-

           unzip -j letters

     To test letters.zip, printing only a summary  message  indi-
     cating whether the archive is OK or not:

           unzip -tq letters

     To extract to standard output  all  members  of  letters.zip
     whose  names  end  in ``.tex'', converting to the local end-
     of-line convention and piping the output into more(1):

           unzip -ca letters \*.tex | more

     (The backslash before the asterisk is only required  if  the
     shell  expands  wildcards,  as  in Unix; double quotes could
     have been used instead, as in the source example below.)  To
     extract  the  binary  file paper1.dvi to standard output and
     pipe it to a printing program:

           unzip -p articles paper1.dvi | dvips

     To extract all FORTRAN and C source  files--*.f,  *.c,  *.h,
     Makefile  (the  double quotes are necessary only in Unix and
     only if globbing is turned on):

           unzip source.zip "*.[fch]" Makefile

     To extract only newer versions of the files already  in  the
     current  directory,  without  querying (NOTE:  be careful of
     unzipping in one timezone a zipfile created in  another--ZIP
     archives  contain  no  timezone information, and a ``newer''
     file from an eastern timezone may, in fact, be older):

Info-ZIP          Last change: 22 Aug 92 (v5.0)                 3

UNZIP(1)                 USER COMMANDS                   UNZIP(1)

           unzip -fo sources

     To extract newer  versions  of  the  files  already  in  the
     current  directory and to create any files not already there
     (same caveat as previous example):

           unzip -uo sources

     In the last five examples, assume that UNZIP  or  UNZIP_OPTS
     is set to -q.  To do a singly quiet listing:

           unzip -l file

     To do a doubly quiet listing:

           unzip -ql file

     To do a standard listing:

           unzip --ql file


           unzip -l-q file


           unzip -l--q file

     (extra minuses don't hurt).

     The current maintainer, being a lazy  sort,  finds  it  very
     useful to define an alias ``tt'' for ``unzip -tq''.  One may
     then simply type ``tt zipfile'' to test the  archive,  some-
     thing  which  one  ought  make  a habit of doing.  With luck
     UnZip will report ``No  errors  detected  in  zipfile.zip,''
     after which one may breathe a sigh of relief.

     funzip(1),  zip(1),  zipcloak(1),  zipinfo(1),   zipnote(1),

     Samuel H. Smith, Carl Mascott, David P. Kirschbaum, Greg  R.
     Roelofs,  Mark  Adler,  Kai  Uwe  Rommel, Igor Mandrichenko,
     Johnny Lee, Jean-loup Gailly; Glenn  Andrews,  Joel  Aycock,
     Allan  Bjorklund,  James  Birdsall,  Wim Bonner, John Cowan,
     Frank da Cruz, Bill Davidsen, Arjan de Vet, James Dugal, Jim
     Dumser,  Mark  Edwards, David Feinleib, Mike Freeman, Hunter
     Goatley, Robert Heath, Dave  Heiland,  Larry  Jones,  Kjetil
     J(o)rgenson,  Bob Kemp, J. Kercheval, Alvin Koh, Bo Kullmar,

Info-ZIP          Last change: 22 Aug 92 (v5.0)                 4

UNZIP(1)                 USER COMMANDS                   UNZIP(1)

     Johnny Lee, Warner Losh, Fulvio Marino,  Gene  McManus,  Joe
     Meadows,  Mike  O'Carroll,  Humberto  Ortiz-Zuazaga, Piet W.
     Plomp, Antonio Querubin Jr., Steve Salisbury, Georg  Sassen,
     Jon  Saxton,  Hugh Schmidt, Martin Schulz, Charles Scripter,
     Chris Seaman, Richard Seay, Alex Sergejew,  Cliff  Stanford,
     Onno  van der Linden, Jim Van Zandt, Antoine Verheijen, Paul

     v1.2  15 Mar 89  Samuel H. Smith
     v2.0   9 Sep 89  Samuel H. Smith
     v2.x  fall 1989  many Usenet contributors
     v3.0   1 May 90  Info-ZIP (DPK, consolidator)
     v3.1  15 Aug 90  Info-ZIP (DPK, consolidator)
     v4.0   1 Dec 90  Info-ZIP (GRR, maintainer)
     v4.1  12 May 91  Info-ZIP
     v4.2  20 Mar 92  Info-ZIP (zip-bugs subgroup; GRR, maint.)
     v5.0  21 Aug 92  Info-ZIP (zip-bugs subgroup; GRR, maint.)

Info-ZIP          Last change: 22 Aug 92 (v5.0)                 5