The following list describes the different XIT abort conditions that can occur within the low-level (lssub) routines invoked by the R.DIAG package. High-level routines are auto-documented.

Subroutine # Source File Error Message

Bascal -1 coord.ftn Illegal LAY (layering) option

CCARD errors active if environment CCARD_OPT='DEBUG'
Key name longer than 50 characters
Ccard -22
util2.F90 Unrecognized key nam
Ccard -23
util2.F90 Too many argument values
Ccard -24
util2.F90 Too many arguments or positional mode not allowed
Ccard -25
util2.F90 Error return from call to GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT
Chklvlc -1 coord.ftn Illegal height value
Clesui -1 convsub.ftn Illegal call to CLESUI (not initialized by INICLE)
Clesui -2 convsub.ftn Unknown I/O unit number
Clrlmt -1 dimgt.ftn Problems with input LR,LM,KTR values
Problem with LRLMT_DIGITS environment variable
Convhour -1 coord.ftn IP2 does not represent an hourly value
Convip_plus -4 diag_convert_ip123.cdk90 Illegal KIND conversion requested
Coordab -1 coord.ftn COORD parameter not recognized
Create_page -1 averages_common.cdk90 Invalid page number (FATAL)
Create_page -2 averages_common.cdk90 Page is already allocated (FATAL)
Create_page -3 averages_common.cdk90 Page cannot be allocated (FATAL)
Create_page_entry -1 averages_common.cdk90 Entry cannot be allocated (FATAL)
Decode_Range -1 diag_convip_plus.ftn90 Decode error
Decodr -1 lowio.ftn IEEE-754 real*8 overflow
Decodr2 -1 lowio92.ftn IEEE-754 real*8 overflow
Dimgt -1 dimgt.ftn LR is less than LM
Dimgt2 -1 dimgt.ftn LR is less than LM
D_gridgef -1 gemdiag.ftn ERROR in generating X axis
D_gridgef -2 gemdiag.ftn ERROR in generating Y axis
D_gridgef -3 gemdiag.ftn ERROR in LAM specifications
Eapl -1 eapl.ftn Local pressure levels are not monotonous
Eapl -2 eapl.ftn Local sigma levels are not monotonous
Eathl -1 eapl.ftn Found an inversion in theta coordinate
WARNING - Error during write
Elael -1 pael.ftn Entry levels are not monotonous
Elael -2 pael.ftn Output levels are not monotonous
Encode_Range -1 diag_convip_plus.ftn90 Encode error with time range
Encode_Range -2 diag_convip_plus.ftn90 Encode error with level range
Ffgfw -1 fftcray.ftn ILG is less than LON+2
Ffgfw3 -1 fftcray.ftn ILG is less than LON+2
Ffwfg -1 fftcray.ftn ILG is less than LON+2
Ffwfg3 -1 fftcray.ftn ILG is less than LON+2
Filev -1 filev.ftn FORTRAN I/O error
Ftsetup -1 fftcray.ftn Problem with prime factors for N
Problem integrating the response function
Gapl -1 mrcdiag.ftn Pressure levels are not monotonous
Gapl -2 mrcdiag.ftn Local sigma levels are not monotonous
Gbyt92 -1 pacc92.ftn NBIT greater than 32 is illegal
Gbyt92 -2 pacc92.ftn Illegal machine type
Gem4apl -1 gemdiag.ftn Destination levels are not monotonous
Gem4apl -2 gemdiag.ftn Source levels not hybrid type
Gem4apl -3 gemdiag.ftn Source levels are not monotonous
Indentified an inversion layer
Getbuf2 -1 get.ftn Mismatch between HEAD and IOHEAD
Getbuf2 -2 get.ftn Unknown packing type
Gethic -1 get.ftn Unknown character parameter name
Gethigh -1 get.ftn Unknown integer parameter name
Getkindc -1 coord.ftn Unrecognized numeric KIND value
Getlign -1 get.ftn LEN greater than 999 characters
Getmset -1 get.ftn Found wrong levels
Getset2 -1 get.ftn NLEV*NWDS greater than MAXPK
Getsiz3 -1 get.ftn Last variable set is incomplete
Getsiz3 -2 get.ftn More than one size in file
Getsiz3 -3 get.ftn More than one set of levels
Getsiz4 -1 get.ftn More than one size in file
Getyp -1 get.ftn FORTRAN I/O error
Getzdes -1 convsub.ftn Unable to open file zcrochets
Getzdes -2 convsub.ftn Bad dimensions for data in file zcrochets
Unmatched dimensions
Unable to open file zcrochets
Bad dimensions for data in file zcrochets
Getzref -1 convsub.ftn Unable to open file zcrochets
Getzref -2 convsub.ftn Z-reference records un-available
Getzref -3 convsub.ftn FORTRAN I/O error with file zcrochets
Getzref -4 convsub.ftn Bad dimensions for data in file zcrochets
convsub.ftn Unmatched dimensions
convsub.ftn Bad dimensions for data in file zcrochets
Getzx2 -1 get.ftn Allocated field too small to unpack data
Ibufill -2 convsub.ftn Decode IP error
Ibufill -3 convsub.ftn Unsupported standard file grid type
Inctdia -1 inctdia.ftn Unable to define a constant value
InfNaN -1 util.ftn Found illegal data (Inf or NaN)
Inicle -1 convsub.ftn I/O unit number too large
Intpz -1 mrcdiag.ftn Illegal cubic-spline derivative
Jclpnt -1 util.ftn Too many I/O unit
Jclpnt -2 util.ftn File name longer than 512 characters
Jclpnt -3 util.ftn Tried opening empty stdin file
Jclpnt -4 util.ftn FORTRAN I/O error
Jclpnt -5 util.ftn Unknown file type returned by WKOFFIT
Jclpnt -6 util.ftn Unsupported file type
Jclpnt -7 util.ftn Mixing standard and CCC file formats
Jclpnt -8 util.ftn Illegal standard file type in SEQ keyword
Jclpnt -9 util.ftn Integer and real words have different sizes
Jcnplt -10 util.ftn TMPDIR or BIG_TMPDIR not defined
Jcnplt -11 util.ftn Problem with JCLPNT entry point calls
Jcnplt -12 util.ftn Unknown position type (not OVER or APPEND)
Jcnplt -13 util.ftn Illegal position option for this file type
Jcnplt -14 util.ftn I/O unit number too large
Jcnplt -15 util.ftn Assumed FORTRAN binary file not recognized
Jclpnt -16 util.ftn Error while reading missing value parametres
Jclpnt -17 util.ftn FORTRAN formatted file does not exist
Jclpnt -98
util,ftn Incompatible compilation options (Abort)
Jclpnt -99 util.ftn Detected previous XIT abort value (Do Nothing)
Lblchk -1 label.ftn Illegal packing density
Lgtst -1 lgtst.ftn ILAT must be even
LirPT -1 convsub.ftn Wrong record size for HY coordinate descriptor
Vertical descriptors unavailable
Cannot compute local pressures with IP1/2
Allocated workspace NMAX too small
New_page_entry -1 averages_common.cdk90 Error creating entry (FATAL)
OuvSTD -1 convsub.ftn FNOM error
OuvSTD -2 convsub.ftn This standard file type is not supported
OuvSTD -3 convsub.ftn FSTOUV error
OuvSTD -4 convsub.ftn Illegal fully-specified upper-case file name
OuvSTD -6 convsub.ftn Unable to close file
Ouvzref -1
TMPDIR or BIG_TMPDIR not defined
Ouvzref -2 convsub.ftn Unable to remove old ZCROCHETS file
Pacc92 -1 pacc92.ftn NBITS is greater than MAXINT
Pacc92 -2 pacc92.ftn NBITS is less or equal than 1
Paccrn -1 paccrn.ftn NBITS is greater than MAXBIT
Paccrn -2 paccrn.ftn NBITS is less or equal than 1
Paccrn -101 paccrn.ftn Unknown MACHINE type
Pael -1 pael.ftn Pressure levels are not monotonous
Pael -2 pael.ftn Local sigma levels are not monotonous
Parfill -1 convsub.ftn Illegal SUBA grid type
Parfill -2 convsub.ftn Cannot save GRTYP=L time-series
Source pressure levels are not monotonous
Plagem4 -2
gemdiag.ftn Bad coding for GEM4 levels. Should be HYBRID
Plagem4 -3
gemdiag.ftn Destination GEM4 levels are not monotonous
Precede -1 util.ftn FSTINF(X) seek error
Precede -2 util.ftn Found a ++ record at the start of the file
Precle -1 convsub.ftn Stack not initialized via INICLE
Precle -2 convsub.ftn Requested offset too large
Precle -3 convsub.ftn Unknown I/O unit number
Probf -1 prob.ftn Illegal number of degrees of freedom
Process_entry -1 averages_common.cdk90 Sample interval mismatch (only in STRICT mode)
Prtlab3 -1 label.ftn Decode IP error
onvsub.ftn Too many U grid reference records
PushYZ -1 convsub.ftn Too many Y/Z grid reference sets
Putbuf2 -1 put.ftn Header record problem (type PK92)
Putbuf2 -2 put.ftn Header record problem (type PK84)
Putbuf2 -3 put.ftn Mismatch between HEAD and IOHEAD
Puthic -1 put.ftn Size discrepancy in IBUF high area
Puthic -2 put.ftn Unknown character parameter name
Puthigh -1 put.ftn Size discrepancy in IBUF high area
Puthigh -2 put.ftn Unknown integer parameter name
Puthir -1 put.ftn Size discrepancy in high area
Puthir -2 put.ftn Unknown character parametre name
Putlab -1 label.ftn Unsupported file type
Putsamplz -1 put.ftn Encode error with time range
Putsamplz -2 put.ftn Too many samples
Putsamplz -3 put.ftn Encode error with level range
Putzref -1 convsub.ftn Unable to open file zcrochets
Recget -1 rec.ftn MAXPK less or equal to 0
Recget -2 rec.ftn Input buffer too small
Recpk2 -1 rec.ftn Output buffer too small
Recput -1 rec.ftn Problem writing buffer to file
Recup2 -1 rec.ftn Illegal packing density for character data
Rmzref -1 convsub.ftn Unable to remove old file
Savzref -1 convsub.ftn Unable to open file zcrochets
Savzref -2 convsub.ftn Not the same number of ^^ and >> records
Savzref -3 convsub.ftn Problem reading ^^ or >> records
Savzref -4 convsub.ftn ^^ or >> records too large
Savzref -5 convsub.ftn FSTLUK error
Savzref -6 convsub.ftn ^^ and >> record descriptor mismatch
Savzref -7 convsub.ftn Bad dimensions for data in file zcrochets
Sbyt92 -1 pacc92.ftn NBIT greater than 32 is illegal
Sbyt92 -2 pacc92.ftn Illegal machine type
Setfft8_b -1 fftini.ftn Transform lenght has to be even
Setftnb -1 util.ftn Unable to set fortran binary mode
Setkind -1 coord.ftn Unsupported vertical coordinate
setkindi -1 coord.ftn Unrecognized numeric KIND value
Sfft -1 sfft.ftn FFTini has not been called yet
Sigloc -1 coord.ftn Illegal LAY (layering) option
Spectra -1 spectra.ftn LR or LM is less than 2
Spectra -2 spectra.ftn LR is less than LM
Vfft -1 fftcray.ftn LOT greater than MAXLOT
Writef -1 util.ftn Fortran I/O error
WritSTD -1 convsub.ftn FCLOS or FSTFRM error
WritSTD -2 convsub.ftn FNOM or FSTOUV error
WritSTD -3 convsub.ftn Y and Z grids in same file
WritSTD -4 convsub.ftn Problem with sizes of deet and npas
convsub.ftn Descripancy between internal descriptors

The above subroutine source files can probably be found under

  $(dirname `which r.diag`)/../development/src/lssub

  wherever the R.DIAG ssm package is installed and is in use (via
Please note as well that adding "-info" to the original command line that generated an error may in some instances add relevant details.

Last Revision: May 2019.