CALL SEQUENCE... timcov SERA SERB COV [MISSOUT] OUTPUT [ -def [ZEROM][NOMODTYP]] \ [-mvalue VAL1 -npg VAL2 -name VAL3] stdev FILEDEV STDDEVI [MISSOUT] OUTPUT [ -def [ZEROM][NOMODTYP]] \ [-mvalue VAL1 -npg VAL2 -kind VAL3] DESCRIPTIONS... timcov - COMPUTES MULTI-LEVEL TIME COVARIANCES stdev - COMPUTES STANDARD DEVIATION OF ONE GRID DEVIATION FILE AUTHORS - J.D.Henderson, May 07/80 AND B.Dugas, April 01/92.; M. Giguere, March 28/95 (STDEV entry Module). LAST REVISION: $Header: V2-du-support-des-nouveaux-IP1-2-3-et-divers-BugFixes @ 2017-11-21 16:47:13 -0500 (dugas) $ PURPOSE... TIMCOV - COMPUTES THE 2-D TIME COVARIANCES FOR EACH VARIABLE AND LEVEL OF A SERIES OF SETS OF DATA. STDEV - CALCULATES AT EACH LEVEL, THE 2-D STANDARD DEVIATION OF ONE MULTI-LEVEL TIME SERIE DATA SETS OF DEVIATIONS FROM THE TIME MEAN INPUT FILES... (FOR TIMCOV) SERA = FIRST TIME SERIES OF MULT-VARIABLE MULTI-LEVEL SETS. SERB = SECOND TIME SERIES OF MULT-VARIABLE MULTI-LEVEL SETS. (FOR STDEV) FILEDEV = TIME SERIES OF MULT-VARIABLE MULTI-LEVEL DEVIATIONS SETS THESE FILES ARE ALL SUPPOSED TO BE SORTED ACCORDING TO A TIMESTEP/NAME/LEVEL RULE, FROM MOST TO LEAST SIGNIFICANT OUTPUT FILE... (FOR TIMCOV) COV = THE TIME COVARIANCE OF THE TWO OTHER (INPUT) FILES. (FOR STDEV) STDDEVI = GRID SET OF THE STANDARD DEVIATION. Command-line arguments... def = no value or 'ZEROM'. Remove means from input time series (see note 1) kind = [STDEV ONLY] 'STD' ==> Output standard deviations (Default) [STDEV ONLY] 'VAR' ==> Output variances rather than std devs mvalue = Real number used to identify missing values (DEF = none) name = [TIMCOV only] Alternate output name when SERA and SERB differ npg = Output packing density (DEF = -32) Missing value mode... Missing value treatment is activated by providing a real number to be used as a missing value flag with the "-mvalue" command-line argument. Data that has this value will be disregarded by the program. Notes: 1) The input file(s) may or may not already contain deviations from the time mean(s). The time means will removed from the file(s) when the "-def" command-line key (either without any values or at least with value ZEROM) is specified so that TIMDEV need not be called before calling TIMCOV or STDEV. 2) Only the first full homogeneous sets are treated. 3) By default, when SERA and SERB contain different variables, the output variable name is set to "COV". This behavior can be overwritten by using the "-name" command-line parametre to specify an altername name. 4) The data may be REAL or COMPLEX. For COMPLEX fields, the programs will perform either of the following operation >> TIMAVG( SERA * COMPLEX CONJUGATE( SERB ) ) << *** OR *** >> SQRT( TIMAVG( FILEDEV * COMPLEX CONJUGATE( FILEDEV ) ) ) << 5) Specifying the "-npg" command-line parametre with a valid value forces TIMCOV/STDEV to use this packing density. 6) When dealing with RPN Standard files, TIMCOV and STDEV modify the file's time descriptors such that the earliest sample time sample time is saved in DATEO, while the latest can be reconstructed from new values of DATEO, NPAS and DEET. In addition, IP3 will then contain the number of time samples used to construct the average. Other R.DIAG modules such as TIMGEN and the statistical testing modules (FTEST, ...) can then use this information directly. 7) The NOMODTYP -def optional value, if set, disallows applying the TYPVAR-specific signatures for covariances and standard deviations that can be used in RPN/CMC files. EXIT CONDITIONS... 0 NO PROBLEMS 1 TOO MANY OR NOT ENOUGH VERTICAL LEVELS 2 PREMATURE EOF ON FILE SERA/FILEDEV 3 LABEL RECORD MISMATCH BETWEEN SERA AND SERB 4 PREMATURE EOF ON FILE SERB 5 MISSING RECORD IN FILE SERB 6 UNABLE TO ALLOCATE ENOUGH WORKING MEMORY 7 BAD ARGUMENT VALUE WITH THE "-NPG" COMMAND-LINE PARAMETRE