r.dict - Tool to consult the CMC-RPN variable dictionary



-n nomvar Gives the definition associated with the variable NOMVAR

"-n ." gives the definition of all NOMVAR and TYPVAR

-t typvar Gives the definition associated with the variable TYPVAR

"-t ." gives the definition of all TYPVAR

-desc description Level of description of the variable

short - gives a short description
long - gives the long description. For some variables, gives typical magnitude, min and max values of the variable. May give the meaning of the codes for coded variables (see VF example below).

-lang language accepts english or francais. Gives the description in French or English. If not invoked used the CMCLNG environment variable. If the variable is not defined, prints the results in English.
-encoding defines the encoding used. Supports 3 encoding types

ascii : default

iso8859-1 : allows accented letters on terminals that support it

utf8 : 8-bit unicode, allows accented letters on terminals that support it.

The native code of the dictionary is utf8.

-v Verbose mode (off if not invoked).


r.dict -n TT

[phillips:~]$ r.dict -n tt
TT Air Temperature c

r.dict -n VF

[phillips:~]$ r.dict -n vf

r.dict -n VF -desc long


Nomvar : VF
Short Description : Vegetation Fraction
Long Description :
Representation: Coded Variable

Code Val.
---- ----------------
1 water
2 ice
3 inland lake
4 evergreen neddleleaf trees
5 evergreen broadleaf trees
6 deciduous neddleleaf trees
7 deciduous broadleaf trees
8 tropical broadleaf trees
9 drought deciduous trees
10 evergreen broadleaf shrub
11 deciduous shrubs
12 thorn shrubs
13 short grass and forbs
14 long grass
15 crops
16 rice
17 sugar
18 maize
19 cotton
20 irrigated crops
21 urban
22 tundra
23 swamp
24 desert
25 mixed shrubs
26 mixed wood forests

[phillips:~]$ r.dict -n tt -desc long


Nomvar : TT
Short Description : Air Temperature
Long Description :
Representation: Real Variable
Units : c Magnitude : Min: Max:

[phillips:~]$ r.dict -n tt -desc long -lang fr


Nomvar : TT
Description courte : Temperature de l'air
Description longue :
Representation: Variable reelle
Unites : c Ordre de grandeur : Min: Max:

[phillips:~]$ r.dict -n tt -desc long -lang fr -encoding utf8


Nomvar : TT
Description courte : Temp�rature de l'air
Description longue :
Representation: Variable reelle
Unites : c Ordre de grandeur : Min: Max:

r.dict -t .

A Analysis
C Climatology
D Raw Station data
E Monthly Error
K Various Constants
M Verification Matrix (Contingency Table)
O Observation
P Forecast
Q Diagnostic QPF
S Various scores
T Time Serie
X Various

Author : Yves Chartier, based and code provided by Rochdi Lahlou.

Special Thanks : The 21st century dictionary re-engineering project comittee : Yves Pelletier, Rochdi Lahlou and myself.