
 r.hy2pres -iment file1 [file2 ...] -ozsrt file_out [-var] [-coor] [-help] 



Program reads the input standard file(s) (that are in hybrid,eta or sigma levels) and writes out the pressure "PX" records in the same level coordinates as these input records. If there are more than one set of levels in the input file(s), it is recommended to give one or more name(s) of the field(s) to select the desired set of levels. The type of the level set from the input files would be determined in the following order:
  1. At least one record "P0" must exist in the series of input files or the program will abort.
  2. If the "HY" record exists, hybrid levels are assumed. If it does not, eta levels are assumed
  3. If the record "PT" does not exist, then it is a sigma coordinate
The list of all the ip1 corresponding to the variables must have the same parameters related to the HY/PT/P0 records. They are all sent to the "hybref" package in the librmn package in order to create the "PX" records (pressure fields) which correspond to these levels coded in "ip1". The list of levels can be limited by choosing one or more variables in using the key "-var".
If the parameter "coor" is specified by the user, a check will be made to verify if the input data is in this vertical coordinate, if not, it will abort.


      r.hy2pres -iment dmfile1 dmfile2 -ozsrt out1.fst -var TT

EXAMPLE (to verify vertical coordinate)

      r.hy2pres -iment dmfile1 dmfile2 -ozsrt out1.fst -var TT -coor HYBLG

See Also

Documentation on functions related to the hybrid coordinates:
hybrid_to_pres, hybref_to_ig, ig_to_hybref, read_decode_hyb.html, write_encode_hyb.html

Author: Luc Corbeil; (translated by Vivian Lee)

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