INTEGER FUNCTION FSTINL( iun,ni,nj,nk,datev,etiket,ip1,ip2,ip3,typvar,nomvar, liste, nliste, nmax)

Locates all the records that matches the research keys (datev,etiket,ip1, ip2,ip3,typvar,nomvar) and puts their handles into the array LISTE.

Authors: M. Lepine - M. Valin - 2000

iun unit number associated to the file
datev valid date
etiket label
ip1 vertical level
ip2 forecast hour
ip3 user defined identifier
typvar type of field
nomvar variable name
nmax size of array "liste"; maximum number of handles that can be returned
FSTINL 0 if no error (even if no records are found), else error code
NOTE:user must check "nliste" for number of records found
ni dimension 1 of the data field
nj dimension 2 of the data field
nk dimension 3 of the data field
liste list of handles of the records found
nliste total number of handles found and saved in "liste"

EXAMPLE Click here for other argument declarations (in Fortran) integer nliste,nmax,liste( ) ier = fstinl( iun, ni, nj, nk,datev,etiket,ip1,ip2,ip3,typvar,nomvar,liste,nliste,nmax ) (in C) int nliste,nmax,liste[ ]; ier = c_fstinl( iun, &ni, &nj, &nk,datev,etiket,ip1,ip2,ip3,typvar,nomvar,liste,nliste,nmax);

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