INTEGER FUNCTION FSTPRM( handle, dateo, deet, npas, ni, nj, nk, nbits,datyp, ip1,ip2, ip3, typvar, nomvar, etiket, grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3,ig4, swa, lng, dltf, ubc, extra1, extra2, extra3)

Get all the description information of the record given the handle

Authors: M. Lepine - M. Valin - 2000

handle positioning information to the record to be interrogated
FSTPRM 0 if no error, else error code
dateo date time stamp
deet length of a time step in seconds
npas time step number
ni dimension 1 of the data field
nj dimension 2 of the data field
nk dimension 3 of the data field
nbits number of bits kept for the elements of the field
datyp data type of the elements
ip1 vertical level
ip2 forecast hour
ip3 user defined identifier
typvar type of field
nomvar variable name
etiket label
grtyp type of geographical projection
ig1 first grid descriptor
ig2 second grid descriptor
ig3 third grid descriptor
ig4 fourth grid descriptor
swa starting word address
lng record length
dltf delete flag
ubc unused bit count
extra1 validity datestamp
extra2 extra parameter
extra3 extra parameter

EXAMPLE Click here for argument declarations (in Fortran) ier = fstprm( handle, dateo, deet, npas, ni, nj, nk, nbits,datyp, ip1,ip2, ip3, typvar, nomvar, etiket, grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3,ig4, swa, lng, dltf, ubc, extra1, extra2, extra3) (in C) ier = c_fstprm(handle, &dateo, &deet, &npas, &ni, &nj, &nk, &nbits, &datyp, &ip1, &ip2, &ip3, typvar, nomvar, etiket, grtyp, &ig1, &ig2, &ig3, &ig4, &swa, &lng, &dltf, &ubc, &extra1, &extra2, &extra3)

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