Demonstration program showing how to interpolate from any source grid on a 'Y' grid and how to write interpolated records in a standard file
Before compiling this program, type the following commands:
editfst2000 -i $ARMNLIB/data/SAMPLES/fstd_files/latlon.fst -d latlonfst -i 0 r.compile -src ygrid.f90 -o ygrid -librmn rmnbeta
To run,
ygrid -src source-file.fst -ygrid latlon.fst
Demonstration program showing how to get the lat-lon coordinates of all the points of any source grid from a standard file data record. The file is called gem-latlon but will work with any standard file record.
To compile,
r.compile -src gem-latlon.f90 -o gem-latlon -librmn rmnbeta
This program demonstrates the creation of a 'Z' grid mapped on a latlon grid.
To compile,
r.compile -src zlatlon.f90 -o zlatlon -librmn rmnbeta
To run,