FORTRAN integer ier, ezsetopt |
C int c_ezsetopt(char *option, char *value) |
Routine description
ezsetopt allows the user to set some options associated with the ezscint package. The list of available options and values is described below. The options are values are case insensitive (they are converted to lower case before being analysed). |
Description of parameters
option |
A string containing one of the supported options |
value |
A string containing one of the supported values associated with option |
List of supported options and values
Option |
Value |
Comment |
sets the degree of the polynomial used for the interpolation |
nearest neighbor interpolation (degree 0) |
bi-linear interpolation (degree 1) |
'CUBIC�, |
bi-cubic interpolation (degree 3 - DEFAULT) |
sets the action to do with the values that lie outside the source grid |
leave the results as they are and live with the consequences |
outside values are set to the maximum value of the input field + 5 % of its variation, ie: maximum + (maximum - minimum) * 0.05 |
outside values are set to the minimum value of the input field - 5 % of its variation, ie: minimum - (maximum - minimum) * 0.05 |
�VALUE�, |
outside values are set to a numerical value, defined by a call to the routine ezsetval. ezsetval must be called before ezsetopt in that case. |
controls the display of information messages. Used mostly for internal debugging. |
'YES', |
Activates the display of debugging information |
'NO', |
Deactivates the display of debugging information |
Sample FORTRAN code :
The following code sets the interpolation degree to linear and sets the value of points in the region of extrapolation to 0.0
ier = ezsetopt('INTERP_DEGREE', 'LINEAR')
ier = ezsetval('EXTRAP_VALUE', 0.0)
ier = ezsetopt('EXTRAP_DEGREE', 'VALUE')
ezsetval has to be called
before ezsetopt when 'extrap_degree' is set to 'value'
Go to the list of functions, or the general index.