Arguments in red are changed by the
Cells in gray show obsolete routines
Cells in reverse video show unimplemented or deferred feature
Function | Definition |
gdid = ezqkdef(ni, nj, grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, iunit) | Universal grid defïnition. Applicable to all cases. |
Grid Set Definition
gdid = ezdefset(gdidout, gdidin) | Defines a set of grids for interpolation |
ier = ezsint(zout, zin) | Scalar interpolation |
ier = ezuvint(uuout, vvout, uuin, vvin) | Vector interpolation, grid to grid |
ier = ezwdint(spdout, wdout, uuin, vvin) | Vector interpolation, grid to speed/direction |
ier = gdll(gdid, lat, lon) | Gets the latitude/longitude position of grid 'gdid' |
ier = ezsetval('option', value) | Sets a numerical option for the package (currently only for 'EXTRAP_VALUE') |
ier = ezgetval('option', value) | Gets a numerical option from the package (currently only for 'EXTRAP_VALUE') |
ier = ezsetopt(' option', 'value') | Sets an option for the package |
ier = ezgetopt('option', value) | Gets an option from the package |
Memory management
ier = gdrls(gdid) | Frees a previously allocated grid |
ier = gdxyfll(gdid, x, y, lat, lon, n) | Returns the x-y positions of lat lon points on grid 'gdid' |
ier = gdllfxy(gdid, lat, lon, x, y, n) | Returns the lat-lon coordinates of data located at positions x-y on grid GDID |
ier = gdllsval(gdid, zout, zin, lat, lon, n) | Scalar interpolation of points located at lat-lon coordinates. |
ier = gdxysval(gdid, zout, zin, x, y, n) | Scalar intepolation of points located at x-y coordinates. |
ier = gdllvval(gdid, uuout, vvout, uuin, vvin, lat, lon, n) | Vector interpolation of points located at lat-lon coordinates, returned as grid components (UU and VV). |
ier = gdxyvval(gdid, uuout, vvout, uuin, vvin, x, y, n) | Vector interpolation of points located at x-y coordinates, returned as grid components (UU and VV). |
ier = gdllwdval(gdid, spdout, wdout, uuin, vvin, lat, lon, n) | Vector interpolation of points located at lat-lon coordinates, returned as speed and direction (UV and WD). |
ier = gdxywdval(gdid, spdout, wdout, uuin, vvin, x, y, n) | Vector interpolation of points located at x-y coordinates, returned as speed and direction (UV and WD). |
ier = gduvfwd(gdid, uuout, vvout, spdin, wdin, lat, lon, n) | Converts, on grid 'gdid', the direction/speed values at grid points to grid coordinates. |
ier = gdwdfuv(gdid, spdout, wdout, uuin, vvin, lat, lon, n) | Converts, on grid 'gdid', the grid winds at grid points speed/direction |
Function | Definition |
gdid = ezgdef_fmem(ni, nj, grtyp, grref, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, ax, ay) | Generic grid definition (with necessary positional parameters taken from the calling arguments) |
gdid = ezgdef(ni,
nj, grtyp, grref, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, ax, ay) (obsolete - consider using ezqkdef or ezgdef_fmem) |
Generic grid definition |
ier = ezgprm(gdid, grtyp, ni, nj, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4) | Get current grid parameters |
ier = ezgxprm(gdid, ni, nj, grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, grref, ig1ref, ig2ref, ig3ref, ig4ref) | Get extended grid parameters |
ier = ezgfstp(gdid, nomvarx, typvarx, etikx, nomvary, typvary, etiky, ip1, ip2, ip3, dateo, deet, npas, nbits) | Get the standard file attributes of the positional records |
ier = gdgaxes(gdid, ax, ay) | Gets the deformation axes of the 'Z' grid |
Grid expansion control
ier = gdxpncf(gdid, i1, i2, j1, j2) | Gets the expansion coefficients used to expand grid 'gdid' |
ier = gdgxpndaxes(gdid, ax, ay) | Gets the deformation axes of the 'Z' grid on an expanded grid ax(i1:i2), ay(j1:j2) |
ier = gdxpngd(gdid, zxpngd, zin) | Gets the expanded grid. |
Direct interpolation routines
call ez_rgdint_0(zo, px, py, npts, z, ni, j1, j2) | Nearest neighbor interpolation from a regular or irregular grid. |
call ez_rgdint_1_nw(zo, px, py, npts, z, ni, j1, j2) | Bilinear interpolation from a regular grid, without wrap around the borders. |
call ez_rgdint_1_w(zo, px, py, npts, z, ni, j1, j2, wrap) | Bilinear interpolation from a regular grid, with wrap around the borders. |
call ez_rgdint_3_nw(zo, px, py, npts, z, ni, j1, j2) | Bicubic interpolation from a regular grid, without wrap around the borders. |
call ez_rgdint_3_w(zo, px, py, npts, z, ni, j1, j2, wrap) | Bicubic interpolation from a regular grid, with wrap around the borders. |
call ez_rgdint_3_wnnc(zo, px, py, npts, z, ni, j1, j2, wrap) | Bicubic interpolation from a regular grid, without wrap around the borders. |
call ez_gggdint_nw(zo, px, py, npts, ay, z, i1, i2, j1, j2) | Bicubic interpolation from a gaussian grid, without wrap around the borders. |
call ez_gggdint_w(zo, px, py, npts, ay, z, ni, j1, j2, wrap) | Bicubic interpolation from a gaussian grid, with wrap around the borders. |
call ez_irgdint_1_nw(zo, px, py, npts, ax, ay, z, ni, nj) | Interpolation from a gaussian grid, without wrap around the borders. |
call ez_irgdint_1_w(zo, px, py, npts, ax, ay, z, ni, nj, wrap) | Interpolation from a irregular grid, with wrap around the borders. |
ez_irgdint_3_nw(zo, px, py, npts, ax, ay, cx, cy, z, i1, i2, j1, j2) | Interpolation from a irregular grid, without wrap around the borders. |
ez_irgdint_3_w(zo, px, py, npts, ax, ay, cx, cy, z, ni, nj, wrap) | Interpolation from an irregular grid, with wrap around the borders. |
call ez_irgdint_nws(zo, px, py, npts, ax, ay, z, i1, i2, j1, j2, degree) | Interpolation from a irregular grid, without wrap around the borders and without the Newton coefficients. |
Options used for ezsetopt and ezgetopt
Option | Value |
'EXTRAP_VALUE ' | rvalue (floating point value) |
'VERBOSE' | 'YES', 'NO' |
Options used for ezsetval and ezgetval
Option | Value |
'EXTRAP_VALUE ' | rvalue (floating point value) |
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