Functions defined in the EZSCINT package

Arguments in red are changed by the subroutine
Cells in gray show obsolete routines
Cells in reverse video show unimplemented or deferred feature

Basic functions

Function Definition
Grid definition
gdid = ezqkdef(ni, nj, grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, iunit) Universal grid defïnition. Applicable to all cases.
Grid Set Definition
gdid = ezdefset(gdidout, gdidin) Defines a set of grids for interpolation
Grid to grid Interpolation
ier = ezsint(zout, zin) Scalar interpolation
ier = ezuvint(uuout, vvout, uuin, vvin) Vector interpolation, grid to grid
ier = ezwdint(spdout, wdout, uuin, vvin) Vector interpolation, grid to speed/direction
Information and parameter adjustment
ier = gdll(gdid, lat, lon) Gets the latitude/longitude position of grid 'gdid'
ier = ezsetval('option', value) Sets a numerical option for the package (currently only for 'EXTRAP_VALUE')
ier = ezgetval('option', value) Gets a numerical option from the package (currently only for 'EXTRAP_VALUE')
ier = ezsetopt(' option', 'value') Sets an option for the package
ier = ezgetopt('option', value) Gets an option from the package
Memory management
ier = gdrls(gdid) Frees a previously allocated grid
Latlon/cartesian conversion
ier = gdxyfll(gdid, x, y, lat, lon, n) Returns the x-y positions of lat lon points on grid 'gdid'
ier = gdllfxy(gdid, lat, lon, x, y, n) Returns the lat-lon coordinates of data located at positions x-y on grid GDID
Direct grid interpolation
ier = gdllsval(gdid, zout, zin, lat, lon, n) Scalar interpolation of points located at lat-lon coordinates.
ier = gdxysval(gdid, zout, zin, x, y, n) Scalar intepolation of points located at x-y coordinates.
ier = gdllvval(gdid, uuout, vvout, uuin, vvin, lat, lon, n) Vector interpolation of points located at lat-lon coordinates, returned as grid components (UU and VV).
ier = gdxyvval(gdid, uuout, vvout, uuin, vvin, x, y, n) Vector interpolation of points located at x-y coordinates, returned as grid components (UU and VV).
ier = gdllwdval(gdid, spdout, wdout, uuin, vvin, lat, lon, n) Vector interpolation of points located at lat-lon coordinates, returned as speed and direction (UV and WD).
ier = gdxywdval(gdid, spdout, wdout, uuin, vvin, x, y, n) Vector interpolation of points located at x-y coordinates, returned as speed and direction (UV and WD).
Conversion of coordinates - From/To Grid Winds Meteorological Winds
ier = gduvfwd(gdid, uuout, vvout, spdin, wdin, lat, lon, n) Converts, on grid 'gdid', the direction/speed values at grid points to grid coordinates.
ier = gdwdfuv(gdid, spdout, wdout, uuin, vvin, lat, lon, n) Converts, on grid 'gdid', the grid winds at grid points speed/direction

Advanced functions

Function Definition
Grid definition
gdid = ezgdef_fmem(ni, nj, grtyp, grref, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, ax, ay) Generic grid definition (with necessary positional parameters taken from the calling arguments)
gdid = ezgdef(ni, nj, grtyp, grref, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, ax, ay)
(obsolete - consider using
ezqkdef or ezgdef_fmem)
Generic grid definition
Information and parameter adjustment
ier = ezgprm(gdid, grtyp, ni, nj, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4) Get current grid parameters
ier = ezgxprm(gdid, ni, nj, grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4, grref, ig1ref, ig2ref, ig3ref, ig4ref) Get extended grid parameters
ier = ezgfstp(gdid, nomvarx, typvarx, etikx, nomvary, typvary, etiky, ip1, ip2, ip3, dateo, deet, npas, nbits) Get the standard file attributes of the positional records
ier = gdgaxes(gdid, ax, ay) Gets the deformation axes of the 'Z' grid
Grid expansion control
ier = gdxpncf(gdid, i1, i2, j1, j2) Gets the expansion coefficients used to expand grid 'gdid'
ier = gdgxpndaxes(gdid, ax, ay) Gets the deformation axes of the 'Z' grid on an expanded grid ax(i1:i2), ay(j1:j2)
ier = gdxpngd(gdid, zxpngd, zin) Gets the expanded grid.
Direct interpolation routines
call ez_rgdint_0(zo, px, py, npts, z, ni, j1, j2) Nearest neighbor interpolation from a regular or irregular grid.
call ez_rgdint_1_nw(zo, px, py, npts, z, ni, j1, j2) Bilinear interpolation from a regular grid, without wrap around the borders.
call ez_rgdint_1_w(zo, px, py, npts, z, ni, j1, j2, wrap) Bilinear interpolation from a regular grid, with wrap around the borders.
call ez_rgdint_3_nw(zo, px, py, npts, z, ni, j1, j2) Bicubic interpolation from a regular grid, without wrap around the borders.
call ez_rgdint_3_w(zo, px, py, npts, z, ni, j1, j2, wrap) Bicubic interpolation from a regular grid, with wrap around the borders.
call ez_rgdint_3_wnnc(zo, px, py, npts, z, ni, j1, j2, wrap) Bicubic interpolation from a regular grid, without wrap around the borders.
call ez_gggdint_nw(zo, px, py, npts, ay, z, i1, i2, j1, j2) Bicubic interpolation from a gaussian grid, without wrap around the borders.
call ez_gggdint_w(zo, px, py, npts, ay, z, ni, j1, j2, wrap) Bicubic interpolation from a gaussian grid, with wrap around the borders.
call ez_irgdint_1_nw(zo, px, py, npts, ax, ay, z, ni, nj) Interpolation from a gaussian grid, without wrap around the borders.
call ez_irgdint_1_w(zo, px, py, npts, ax, ay, z, ni, nj, wrap) Interpolation from a irregular grid, with wrap around the borders.
ez_irgdint_3_nw(zo, px, py, npts, ax, ay, cx, cy, z, i1, i2, j1, j2) Interpolation from a irregular grid, without wrap around the borders.
ez_irgdint_3_w(zo, px, py, npts, ax, ay, cx, cy, z, ni, nj, wrap) Interpolation from an irregular grid, with wrap around the borders.
call ez_irgdint_nws(zo, px, py, npts, ax, ay, z, i1, i2, j1, j2, degree) Interpolation from a irregular grid, without wrap around the borders and without the Newton coefficients.

Options used for ezsetopt and ezgetopt

Option Value
'EXTRAP_VALUE ' rvalue (floating point value)

Options used for ezsetval and ezgetval

Option Value
'EXTRAP_VALUE ' rvalue (floating point value)

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