fstcompress / fstuncompress are two utilities used to compress / decompress the contents of an RPN standard file using in-house compression algorithms. The compression process is completely lossless, and is done within every record of the standard file. Once compressed, and contrary to standard compression utilities like bzip2 and gzip, the resulting standard file can be used without further manipulation by the standard RPN utilities and your programs (ie there is no need to decompress the file "on the fly") .
The compression ratio depends upon the nature of the fields, and is typically about 2-2.75 for operational files but can go as high as 20 for vary sparse data fields. In general, the compression ration increases with the grid resolution : high resolution grids (2-5 km) compress much better than coarser resolution grids (50-100 km).
There are two different compression algorithms :fstcompress chooses the algorithm based on datyp. If "datyp" of the
source field is 1, the integer tokenisation algorithm is chosen... if
datyp is 5, then the IEEE format algorithm is chosen.
To use the IEEE
format algorithm, use fstcompress_300 and fstuncompress_300.
There are very good reasons to compress your RPN standard files
fstcompress -fstin
uncompressed.fst -fstout compressed.fst -level [best / fast] -nbits
fstuncompress -fstin compressed.fst -fstout uncompressed.fst
In fstcompress, the default value for level is best.
The only reason why one would want to use fstuncompress is for using the standard files with binaries produced with versions of rmnlib older than librmn_008.
There are 3 PDF documents that explain the compression method :
The software is available under Linux, IRIX and AIX under $ARMNLIB/bin.
To compare the results between the compressed and uncompressed data files, it is recommended to re-compress the source data file, because the decompaction-recompaction process induces some minor, machine-precision numerical variations in the datafiles. Here is a sample test run.
fstuncompress -fstin file.fst
-fstout file_u.fst
fstcompress -fstin file.fst -fstout file_z.fst
fstcomp -a file_z.fst -b file_u.fst
The output of fstcomp should indicates no significant differences between the records.
The compression algorithms are part of librmnbeta.a and librmn_rc008.a. Any binary that has been produced with these two libraries is able to read/write compressed standard files. These algorithms will be part of librmn_008 when it will be released. At this time they will be fully supported by the standard RPN utilities.
The compression algorithms can also be activated by an environment variable as long as the binary has been recompiled with the rmn_rc008 or rmnbeta versions of rmnlib.
Before invoking your application, simply use
export FST_OPTIONS="DATATYPE_REMAP=1,134 2,130 4,132 5,133"
and any field that would have been written with datyp=1 will be written
with datyp=134, ie "real compressed").
Meanwhile at this time, the latest versions of the applications that support the new format are :
Last Revision : 2006-10-16