WARNING - This utility will soon be replaced by a new version based on the XML version of the dictionary. Please consult the documentation for
to get the latest developments. YC - 05 May 2004 |
-n nomvar | Gives the definition associated with the variable NOMVAR
"-n ." gives the definition of all NOMVAR and TYPVAR |
-t typvar | Gives the definition associated with the variable TYPVAR
"-t ." gives the definition of all TYPVAR |
[phillips:~]$ r.dict -n tt
definition de nom=TT, type=,
[phillips:~]$ r.dict -t .
definition de nom=,, type=.
--A, ANALYSEThis tool is truly bilingual : you will find variables defined in english, others in french. Or an English description, and French units, or vice-versa. You won't miss it when the new dictionary will be ready.