

integer ier, ezgfstp
ier= ezgfstp (gdid, nomvarx, typvarx, etikx, nomvary, typvary, etiky, ip1, ip2, ip3,
              dateo, deet, npas, nbits)
integer gdid, ip1, ip2, ip3, dateo, deep, npas, nbits
character*2 nomvarx, nomvary
character*1 typvarx, typvary
character*8 etikx, etikey


int ezgfstp(int gdid, char *nomvarx,  char *typvarx,  char *etikx,  char *nomvary, 
            char *typvary, char *etiky,  int *ip1, int *ip2, int *ip3, int *dateo, 
            int *deet, int *npas, int *nbits)

Routine description

ezgfstp returns the RPN standard file parameters of the positional records associated with grid gdid. It is roughly equivalent to obtaining keys with an fstinf with nomvar='^^' and '>>', and then doing an fstprm on each key. Note that ni, nj and the grid parameters are not returned, since ezgxprm does that work already.


Description of parameters


a valid grid identifier (returned by ezqkdef or ezgdef) that will be used as the source (input) grid.


Name of the positional parameter of the X axis, normally '>>'


Typvar associated with '>>'


Etiket associated with '>>'


Name of the positional parameter of the Y axis, normally '^^'


Typvar associated with '^^'


Etiket associated with '^^'

ip1, ip2, ip3

ip's associated with '>>'


Date of origin associated with '>>'


Time step associated with '>>'


Number of the current time step associated with '>>'


Packing in bits of the record containing '>>'


Sample FORTRAN code :

We want to use as a test grid the first 'Z' grid present in an RPN standard file. We need the grid parameters to know exactly what we have read. Assume necessary memory space has been allocated. Assume we read from unit 13.

      gdgem = ezqkdef(nigem, njgem, 'Z', -1, -1, -1, 13)
      ier = ezgfstp(gdgem, nomvarx, typvarx, etikx, nomvary, typvary, etiky, 
                    ip1, ip2, ip3, dateo, deet, npas, nbits)
      print *, 'Grid             ', gdid, 'has the following precision: ', nbits

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