EZSCINT - The 3.5rd generation.
Available in $ARMNLIB/lib/$(ARCH)/librmn.a
- SGI 6.4 and above (ARCH=IRIX64)
- HP-UX 10.2 (ARCH=HP-UX)
- Linux (i386) (ARCH=Linux)
On the NECs only the 32bits versions are available (standard and multi).
Other versions (64bits, SX-4) can be made available on demand.
- This release is part of xrec4 and pgsm
- On the front-ends
- Use the option "-librmn rmnbeta" as your RMNLIB library.
- ie: r.build -o myprog -obj *.o -librmn rmnbeta
- On the NECs
- Use "-obj $ARMNLIB/lib/$ARCH_$MULTI/c_ezscint.o
Author: Yves Chartier, RPN, Dorval.
Last updated: Wednesday, March 27, 2002