integer ier, ezgprm
ier = ezgprm(gdid, grtyp, ni, nj, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4)
integer gdid, ni, nj, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4
character*1 grtyp

int c_ezgprm(int gdid, char *grtyp, int *ni, int *nj, int *ig1, int *ig2, int *ig3, int *ig4)

Routine description

ezgprm returns the standard parameters associated with the grid identifier gdid. It is used to re-insure the programmer that the grid associated with gdid is the one desired. Can be useful in a program that handles multiple grids.


Description of parameters

gdid a valid grid identifier (returned by ezqkdef or ezgdef) that will be used as the source (input) grid.
grtyp type of grid ('A', 'B', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'N', 'S','Y', 'Z')
ni, nj horizontal dimensions of the grid
ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4 RPN standard file grid parameters. IG4 is 0 is grtyp == Y or Z


Sample FORTRAN code :

We want to interpolate data from a GEM grid to a 400x200 Gaussian grid, amd then back into the GEM grid. Assume necessary memory space has been allocated.

      gdgauss = ezqkdef(nigauss, njgauss, 'G', 0,0,0,0,0)
      ier = ezgprm(gdgauss, ni, nj, grtyp, ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4)

      print *, 'Grid             ', gdid, 'has the following parameters'
      print *, 'grtyp:           ', grtyp
      print *, 'Dimensions:      ', ni, 'X', nj
      print *, 'Grid parameters: ', ig1, ig2, ig3, ig4

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