

integer gdxpncf, ier
ier = gdxpncf(gdid, i1, i2, j1, j2)
integer gdid, i1, j1, i2, j2


int c_gdll (int gdid,  int *i1, int *i2, int *j1, int *j2)

Routine description

gdxpncf returns the expansion factors associated with gdid. These will change according to grid type. These expansion factors are used to "expand" the grid; for a global grid, it defines extra borders to use the natural symmetry of the grid, at the poles and meridian 0, allowing smooth interpolation at the grid boundaries.

This function should only be called by users wishing to use their own interpolation algorithm on a grid expanded by gdxpngd.


Description of parameters


a valid grid identifier (returned by ezqkdef or ezgdef) that will be used as the source (input) grid.


Dimensions of the expanded grid. These change according to the grid type.


Sample FORTRAN code :

real zxpn
ni = 400
nj = 200
gdid = ezqkdef(ni, nj, 'G', 0, 0, 0, 0)
ier = gdxpncf(gdid,  i1, i2, j1, j2)
call hpalloc(zxpnp, i2-i1+1*j2-j1+1,ier,1)
ier = gdxpngd(zxpn, zin)
call myinterpolationroutine(zxpn, …)

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