First, lets explain briefly how the package works. The numerical models used in RPN are mapped on a handful of map projections: Gaussian grid (SEF), Polar Stereographic (MC2), and rotated lat-lon (GEM). This mapping is expressed as parameters such as the size of the grid in points (ni x nj), its resolution (in km or degrees of latitude/longitude), its orientation (relative to a reference meridian). Many grids are regularly spaced, but some are not: their grid length may vary along x and y direction.
For all sorts of use, we need to transform the output (or input) of these models to other map proJections. This mapping is actually done through lagrangian interpolation. Here is the basic series of steps one has to take to go through a grid interpolation.
Although this seems simple, the whole process can be complicated by things such as grid symmetry, irregular grid spacing, non-existence of data at the poles, and rotation of wind components along grids.
The cost of computation is split in 2 parts: the computation of the geographical mapping between the 2 grids, and the lagrangrian interpolation. The cost of the first is much higher than the cost of the second, although in theory it needs to be only done once. Once the mapping is established, it can be used over and over to interpolate many meteorological fields.
As mentionned, scint was the first implementation of the grid interpolators used in RPN utilities like PGSM. The grid types supported by scint were basically polar stereographic (N and S), latlon (L, A and B) and gaussian (G). The package was scalar (in the vector computer sense) in its very essence: the interpolation routine scint2 had to be called for every point. Moreover, the computation of a position of a lat-lon point on a grid had to be computed for every point.
This was highly inefficient on a vector computer like the CRAY and the SX-4. This is why the package was re-written in 1991 to get optimized for vector computers. Some bookkeeping of the grid parameters was done to keep in memory the coordinates of the input and output grids, allowing it to reuse the transformed coordinates if no change in the input and output grids was detected. This, in addition of the vectorization of the interpolation process, led to a 6-time increase in speed of utilities like PGSM.
fscint solved most of the performance problems of scint, but some quirks, mostly having todo with the programming interface remained. Among those, mention:
As the use of the RPN standard file increased steadily in the canadian scientific community inthe 90s, so did the need for a more user friendly package to be developed. The arriva1 of the GEM mode1 and its rotated lat-lon grids, very difficult to analyse visually on its native grids, spawned the need to extend the functionality of the package to be used in utilities like xrec and max. The arriva1 of coupled models, having to interpolate data steadily back and forth between atmospheric and oceanic models also fueled this need. And most of all, the complaints of many users saying the package and its mechanics were too complicated.
So here comes ezscint. Here is a list of the intended benefits of the new package.
To use the package, there is at least one routine that needs to be called, it is either ezqkdef or ezgdef_fmem . This defines at least one grid on which some operations are possible. When only this function is invoked, only 3 functions (albeit the most important) cannot be called. These are ezsint, ezuvint and ezwdint. This is typically used when one user wants to do interpolation on selected lat-lon points, or transformation of wind components on a grid.
When used to do regular grid interpolation, ezgdef or ezqkdef need to be called with the parameters of the target grid, and 2 more routines need to be called : ezdefset (to define the grid set) and either ezsint, ezuvint or ezwdint to do the interpolation.
Suppose we want to interpolate forecasted fields from the GEM grid to a Gaussian Grid.
Suppose all the parameters are declared somewhere above the following piece of code.
Suppose variables and fields ending with « gem » are defined on the GEM grid, and those with « gauss » are defined on the Gaussian Grid.
Here is the code that will do it.
gdgem = ezqkdef(nigem, njgem, Z, ig1gem, ig2gem, ig3gem, ig4gem, iunit) gdgauss = ezqkdef(nigauss, njgauss, G, ig1gauss, ig2gauss, ig3gauss, ig4gauss, -1) iset = ezdefset(gdgauss, gdgem) ier = ezsint(zgauss, zgem) ier = ezsint(ttgauss, ttgem) ier = ezuvint(uugauss, vvgauss, uugem, vvgem) |
Now suppose that we want to interpolate output from the GEM model to selected lat-lon points, say, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Suppose we the same assumptions as above. So here is the code
lat(1) = 45.73 lon(1) = -73.75 lat(2) = 43.40 lon(2) = -79.38 lat(3) = 49.18 lon(3) = -123.18 gdgem = ezqkdef(nigem, njgem, Z, ig1gem, ig2gem, ig3gem, ig4gem, iunit) ier = gdllsval(gdid, zout, zgem, lat, lon, 3) ier = gdllvval(gdid, uuout, vvout, uugem, vvgem, lat, lon, n) |
There is a more complete example showing the difference between the fscint and ezscint packages.
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