(Bourne shell)
WA_CONFIG="512 5 10 1"
export WA_CONFIG
The WA_CONFIG environment variable is used to do some additional buffering on some system to improve the overall I/O performance. Each waread or wawrit instruction will read/write to memory until a page is full before actually do disk I/O. The WA_CONFIG environment variable consist of 4 elements described below.
WA_CONFIG elements
The page size for each page of the file in Kwords (ex: 256 means 1Mbytes).
The maximum number of pages per opened WA files
The maximum total number of pages (total amount for all the files, i.e. files can share pages if not needed).
May take the values from 0 to 5. The higher the number, the more verbiage. Recommended value is 1 (only configuration information is printed).
The use of the WA_CONFIG environment variable will actually increase the memory consumption of the program proportionally to the page_size, nb_page and tot_page choices of configuration.
Warning: buffering should not be used on other platforms than the NEC computers, otherwise this could result in a lost of performance due to conflict with the already existing system paging capabilities.
Mario Lépine - RPNSEE ALSO
( waopen, wawrit, waread, waclos)