call wawrit (iun, buf, addr, nwords) (FORTRAN)
c_wawrit(iun, &buf, addr, nwords) (C)
Writes to file associated to iun unit number, nwords words of buffer buf starting at address addr.
On byte addressable machines, WA software routines store the information in a "most significant byte first" fashion.
(click here for an FORTRAN example of use and here for a C example of use)ARGUMENTS
FORTRAN unit number.
Buffer to write to a file.
Starting word address position from which writing occurs.
Number of words to write.AUTHOR
Mario Lépine - RPNNOTES
WA (Word Addressable) file are 1 based, i.e. first address of the file start at word #1.
Warning: Do not mix different I/O access to the same file (ex: writda, wawrit).
Buffering configuration can be controlled via the WA_CONFIG environment variable for performance issue.
( waopen, waread, waclos)