call waread (iun, buf, addr, nwords) (FORTRAN)
c_waread(iun, &buf, addr, nwords) (C)
Reads nwords words starting at address addr into buffer buf .
On byte addressable machines, WA software routines store the information in a "most significant byte first" fashion.
(click here for an FORTRAN example of use and here for a C example of use)ARGUMENTS
FORTRAN unit number associated to the external file to read.
Buffer to store the read information.
Starting word address position from which reading occurs.
Number of words to read.AUTHOR
Mario Lépine - RPNNOTES
WA (Word Addressable) file are 1 based, i.e. first address of the file start at word #1.
Warning: Do not mix different I/O access to the same file (ex: writda, wawrit).
Buffering configuration can be controlled via the WA_CONFIG environment variable for performance issue.
( waopen, wawrit, waclos)