RPN_COMM (librpn_comm.a)

Calling sequences of MPI subroutines
rpn_comm.cfg Use of domains and rpn_comm.cfg file (français)
RPN_COMM_adj_halo Exchange of halos in adjoint mode (français)
RPN_COMM_adj_halox Exchange of halos in adjoint mode (français)
RPN_COMM_allgather Gathers data from all PEs and deliver to all
RPN_COMM_allreduce Combines values from all PEs and distribute result to all
RPN_COMM_alltoall Sends data from all to all PEs
RPN_COMM_barrier Blocks all PEs to reach here before continuing
RPN_COMM_bcast Broadcasts a message (all types) from one PE to all PEs
RPN_COMM_bcastc Broadcasts a message (characters) from one PE to all PEs
RPN_COMM_bcst_world Broadcasts a message (integer or float type) from PE 0 to all PEs (français)
RPN_COMM_bloc Partition the domain into blocks of PEs (français)
RPN_COMM_carac Give characteristics of the local PE (français)
RPN_COMM_coll Gather data from all PEs (local tiles) to a global array on PE 0 (français)
RPN_COMM_comm Returns the MPI id of the specified communicator (français)
RPN_COMM_compress Compress an array by removing the halo (français)
RPN_COMM_defo Set default "DEFO" communicator (français)
RPN_COMM_dist Distribute global data from PE 0 into other PEs, thereby each subdomain is local to each PE. (français)
RPN_COMM_finalize Ends the MPI mode
RPN_COMM_gather Gathers together values from a group of processes
RPN_COMM_gatherv Gathers together values of different sizes from a group of processes (
RPN_COMM_globalsum Global summation of a REAL*4 field, independant of the PE distribution (français)
RPN_COMM_grank Checks if the local PE is a member of a given communicator (français)
RPN_COMM_init Initializes to MPI mode (français)
RPN_COMM_limit Generic algorithm for splitting a grid (français)
RPN_COMM_move Friendly version of send/recv for moving data to a neighbor
RPN_COMM_mype Return rank and position of the local PE in its domain (français)
RPN_COMM_petopo Setup of the processes topology (français)
RPN_COMM_rank Stub for MPI_Comm_rank
RPN_COMM_recv Performs a basic receive
RPN_COMM_reduce Reduces values on all processes to a single value
RPN_COMM_send Performs a basic send
RPN_COMM_sendrecv Combination of a send and a receive operation
RPN_COMM_size Stub for MPI_Comm_size
RPN_COMM_split Generic call for RPN_COMM_topo (français)
RPN_COMM_swapns North/south exchange of data (français)
RPN_COMM_topo Generate relative information about a local tile along a specified axis (français)
RPN_COMM_transpose Changes the repartition (mapping) of the global domain on the local tiles (français)
RPN_COMM_transpose48 Changes the repartition (mapping) of the global domain on the local tiles (real*4 to real*8) (français)
RPN_COMM_unit Changes default output unit (français)
RPN_COMM_version Returns the package version number (français)
RPN_COMM_xch_halo Exchange the halos between north,south,east and west neighbors (français)
RPN_COMM_xch_halox Exchange the halos like RPN_COMM_xch_halo but returns a global row containing all the local rows concatenated (français)