FSTD package (LIBRMN library)

The RPN Standard File (FSTD - fichier standard) Functions

    Argument Definitions in FSTD2000 functions
    Argument Definitions in FSTD89 functions fstarg1 fstarg2 fstarg3
    FSTD2000 Error Code Reference
    FSTD89 Error Code Reference
    Grid types and projections supported in RPN standard files

  1. fst_data_length (specify data length of elements for fstecr/fstlir)
  2. fstapp (position for append in a sequential file)
  3. fstckp (checkpoint mode)
  4. fstcvt (convert from hollerith to character or vice-versa)
  5. fstecr (write a record)
  6. fsteff (delete a record)
  7. fsteof (return level of EOF)
  8. fstfrm (close a file)
  9. fstinf (retrieve the key of first record meeting selection criteria)
  10. fstinfx(retrieve the key of the next record starting from the position of a given key)
  11. fstinl (retrieve multiple keys of records meeting selection criteria)
  12. fstlir (read a record)
  13. fstlirx(read the next record found starting from the position of a given key)
  14. fstlis (reads the next record that matches the last search criteria)
  15. fstlnk (link multiple files as one)
  16. fstluk (read a field pointed by the given key)
  17. fstmsq (mask selection criteria)
  18. fstnbr (obtain the total number of records in a file)
  19. fstopc (get/set global option MSGLVL/TOLRNC using character string)
  20. fstopi (get/set global option MSGLVL/TOLRNC using an integer)
  21. fstopl (get/set global options FASTIO/IMAGE using a logical)
  22. fstopr (not available: get/set global options using a real value)
  23. fstouv (open a file)
  24. fstpos(89)(obsolete for fstd2000: see fstinfx,fstlirx)
  25. fstprm (obtain information parameters of a record)
  26. fstrwd (rewinds a sequential file)
  27. fstsel(89)(obsolete for fstd2000: see fstinf)
  28. fstskp (skip records in a sequential file)
  29. fstsui (retrieve a key of the next record that matches the last search criteria)
  30. fstunl (unlink the linked multiple files)
  31. fstvoi (print the table of contents like "voir" on a file)
  32. fstweo (writes a EOF level for sequential file)
Click here for FSTD utilities